Discourse Analysis - 1st semester
This course aims at the acquisition of knowledge about fundamental concepts, theories and methods of discourse analysis.
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
a) Identify and describe the linguistic-discursive mechanisms present in different discursive practices
b) Explain the linguistic production skills involved in the various discursive practices
c) Understand the role of discourse in the dynamics of the various spheres of society
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Helena Topa Valentim, Matilde Gonçalves
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Austin, John ([1955] 1962) How to do Things with Words., Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Charaudeau, P. & Maingueneau, D. (org). (2002) Dictionnaire dAnalyse du Discours. Paris: Seuil. (coordenação da trad. port. Fabiana Komesu, 2006, Dicionário de Análise do Discurso. São Paulo:Editora Contexto.
Coulthard, M. (1996) An introduction to discourse analysis. London/New York : Longman.
Maingueneau, D. (1998) Analyser les textes de communication, Paris, Dunod, (trad. port. de Cecília P. de Souza e Silva e Décio Rocha, 2001, Análise de textos de comunicação, São Paulo: Cortez Editora)
Moeschler, J. & Reboul, A. (1994) Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de Pragmatique. Paris: Ed. du Seuil.
van Dijk, T. A. Discourse in Society, http://www.discourses.org/
Voloshinov, V. N. (1992) El marxismo y la filosofía del lenguaje : los principales problemas del método sociológico en la ciencia del lenguaje. Madrid: Alianza Universidad (trad. espanhola de Tatiana Bubnova)
Teaching method
Theoretical and practical classes (presentation and discussion of individual and group works, analysis workshops and discussion).
In class teaching.
Evaluation method
Two written tests (80%); written and oral presentations (on a topic or text to be selected) (20%)
Subject matter
1. Language and discourse
1.1 Dichotomies for a definition of discourse: discourse and language, discourse and utterance, discourse and text
2. Discourse and pragmatics
2.1 Speech acts, inference, presupposition and implicit
2.2 Conversational maxims and discourse laws
3. Discourse, cotext, context and enunciation coordinates
3.1 Subjectivity and intersubjectivity
3.2 Dialogism and enunciative heterogeneity
4. Different theoretical and methodological models of discourse analysis
4.1 Critical discourse analysis, linguistic discourse analysis, conversational analysis, automatic discourse analysis
5. Discourse and Society
5.1 Ideology and media information