Terminology - 1st semester


1. Acquire theoretical principles and methodologies specific to Terminology;
2. Understand the functioning of specialised language ;
3. To know how to identify terms and collocations in specialised texts;
4. Acquire terminological information research techniques;
5. To know how to use NLP tools.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Rute Vilhena Costa


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



non applicable


Alexeeva, L.M.,- 2006. “Interaction between Terminology and Philosophy. Theoretical Foundations of Terminology Comparison between Eastern Europe and Western Countries”. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag.

Herbst, Thomas / Faulhaber Susen, Uhrig, Peter (Eds) 2011: The phraseological view of Language. Berlin,: De Gruyter Mouton.

ISO 704:2009. “Terminology work - Principles and methods”. International Organization for Standardization.

Kockaert, Hendrik J. / Frieda Steurs (ed.) 2015: Handbook of Terminology, Volume 1 Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Wüster, Eugen. 1998. “Introduccion a la teoria general de la terminologia y a la lexicografia terminologica”. Institut Universitari de Linguistica Aplicada.

Teaching method

Teaching methodologies: In class the students will learn to use specific software in order to work with electronic corpus and in order to extract terminological data.

Evaluation method

Practical exercises in class and the production of an individual paper (40%);
Final test that covers the theoretical aspects of the CU (60%).

Subject matter

1. History of Terminology
2. Specialised language
3. Corpus of specialised texts
4. Conceptual and linguistic dimension of Terminology
5. Term, collocation and phraseology
6. Synonymy and terminological variation
7. Equivalence
8. Standardisation and harmonisation
9. Terminological and lexicographical definition
10. Semi-automatic treatment of corpus
11. Terminological databases