History of Portuguese Music - 2nd semester
a) To acquire knowledge on the historical processes related to music in Portugal from the Middle Ages to the presente in connection with the socio-cultural context of each period.
b) To get in touch with the main primary sources, the bibliography and the discography avaiable to study the History of Music in Portugal;
c) To have contact with research projects devoted to issues of Portuguese music;
d) To be able to identify asethetical trends, personalities, institutions and musical repertoires;
e) To build bases for a critical analysis about concepts of periodization and historical contexts and for the study of the processes of music prodution and reception in Portugal.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Zuelma Chaves
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Not applicable
AZEVEDO, S. (1998). A Invenção dos Sons - Uma panorâmica da composição em Portugal hoje. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.
BRANCO, J. F. (2005). História da Música Portuguesa. Lisboa: Europa-América.
BRITO, M. C. & CYMBRON, L. (1992). História da Música Portuguesa. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
CASTELO-BRANCO, S. (dir.) (2010). Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no Século XX, 4 vols. (ed. INET-MD da Universidade Nova de Lisboa). Lisboa: Temas e Debates/Círculo de Leitores.
FEREIRA, M. P. (2009). Antologia de Música em Portugal na Idade Média e no Renascimento, 2 vols. Lisboa: CESEM/Arte das Musas.
NERY, R. V. & CASTRO, P. F. (1991). História da Música - Sínteses da Cultura Portuguesa. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda.
VIEIRA, E. (1900). Dicionário biográfico de músicos portugueses, 2 vols. Lisboa, Lambertini; (2007) Lisboa, Arquimedes Livros, ed. fac. (consulta pontual).
Teaching method
60% theoretical classes; 40% practical classes. Combination of theoritical exposition, discussion and analysis of historical documents, musicological texts and musical works, including commented auditions and short presentations by the students on specific topics of the programme. Some study visits are also envisaged (for ex. Área de Música da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal; Teatro Nacional de S. Carlos).
In class teaching.
Evaluation method
Two written tests (40% + 40%). Participation in the practical classes and oral and/or written short presentations on specific topics of the syllabus (20%)
Subject matter
1. Brief overview of the Portuguese musical historiography. Portuguese music in the European and peninsular contexts.
2. Sources for the study of medieval sacred music. Iberian \"trovadores\"´ repertoires.
3. Musical life from 14th to 16th centuries. The toyal chapel and the polyphonic \"schools\".
4. The Philippine domination. The main centres of musical activity for sacred polyphony. Secular and instrumental music in 16th and 17th centuries.
5. The Italianization of the musical scene during the reign of João V. Church music, opera, instrumental and domestic music in the 18th century.
6. The hegemony of Italian opera in the 19th century; religious music; music education; concert societies; the reaction to Italianism in late 19th century.
7. Impressionist, nationalist, neoclassical and neoromantic tendencies during the first half of the 20th century.
8. The internationalization of musical life in Post War years. The avant-garde composers. Music in Portugal in early 21st century.