Portuguese Culture in the 20th century - 1st and 2nd semester
1. To identify the different portuguese c, ultural issue in the 20th century, in areas so
diversified as literature, arts, philosophy, politics, science, religion;
2. To develop critical thinking and the ability to perform pluridisciplinary analysis, guiding the students to specific readings and encouraging discussion;
3. To promote the reflexion about particularities of portuguese society;
4. To develop bibliographical and research skills.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Manuela Parreira da Silva
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Calafate, Pedro (org.), Portugal como Problema. Século XX: os Dramas da Alternativa, Lisboa: Fundação Luso-Americana e Público, 2006;
Gil, José, Portugal, Hoje O Medo de Existir, Lisboa: Relógio dÁgua, 2004;
Lourenço, Eduardo, Portugal como Destino seguido de Mitologia da Saudade, Lisboa: Gradiva, 1999;
Martins, Guilherme dOliveira, Portugal: Identidade e Diferença, Aventuras da memória, Lisboa: Gradiva, 2007;
Santos, Boaventura Sousa, Pela mão de Alice o social e o político na pós-modernidade, 8ª ed., Porto: Afrontamento, 2002;
Torgal, Luís Reis (coord.), O Cinema sob o olhar de Salazar, 1ª ed., Lisboa:Temas e Debates, 2001;
Torgal, Luís Reis, Estados Novos, Estado Novo, Ensaios de História Política e Cultural, vol. I e II, 2ªed., Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2009.
Teaching method
Classes will have a theoretical and practical nature, students should actively participate and contribute with the presentation of small assignments, always followed by discussion. The teacher shall, at the end of each presentation, proceed the exhibition of conclusions. At other times will introduce the various items and will make a periodic systematization of lessons learned.
Evaluation method
In what concerns evaluation, the participation of students in classes will be taken into account (20%). Thestudents will also do a written test, in presence, with consultation, corresponding to 50%, and a small researchwork about a theme that will be agreed upon and that will be supervised by the professor (30%).
Subject matter
1. Does a Portuguese culture exist?
2. Political, social and philosophical thought
2.1. Portuguese Renaissance: doctrinal tension and diverging paths
2.2. The flights of A Águia and the harvest of Seara Nova
2.3. (Anti-)Sebastianismo and (Anti-)Saudosismo
2.4. The politics of the spirit of António Ferro and the official culture\" of Estado Novo
2.5. Critical and alternative movements
3. The arts: tradition and modernity, originality and/or translation
3.1. Modernisms and vanguards in literature and other arts
3.2. Neo-realism e surrealism: meetings and divergences
3.3. Cinema: from a Portuguese version of comedy to new cinema
Programs where the course is taught: