Portuguese Renaissance Literature - 1st semester


a) Acquisition of an adequate knowledge on the Portuguese Literature in the context of the Renaissance, and its relationship with other manifestations of knowledge. Relations with the history of Portugal, the History of the Portuguese language, the Geography, the Science and the Philosophy.
b) Understanding Literature as a historical process: antecedents and consequences.
c) Acquisition of competences for critical reading, comments and arguments skills.
d) To strengthen research capacities on organization, questioning and transmission of knowledge.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luiz Fagundes Duarte


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Bernardim Ribeiro, \"Menina e Moça\"
Gil Vicente, \"Auto da Índia\"
Francisco de Sá de Miranda, \"Poesias\".
Luís de Camões, \"Lírica Completa\", \"Os Lusíadas\"
Fernão Mendes Pinto, \"Peregrinação\".

AGUIAR E SILVA, V. (Coord.) (2011). Dicionário de Luís de Camões. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.
COELHO, J. do P. (Dir.) (1960). Dicionário de Literatura. Porto: Livraria Figueirinhas.
CUNHA, C.; CINTRA, L. (1984). Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo. Lisboa: Edições João Sá da Costa.
LOPES, O. (1969). Ler e Depois, 1. Modo de Ler, 2. Porto: Editorial Inova.
SARAIVA, A. J. (1946). Para a História da Cultura em Portugal, I, II. Lisboa: Livraria Bertrand.
SARAIVA, A. J. (1958). Fernão Mendes Pinto. Lisboa: Publicações Europa-América.
SARAIVA, A. J.; LOPES, O. (1950). História da Literatura Portuguesa. Porto: Porto Editora.
SENA, J. de (1962). O Reino da Estupidez, II. Lisboa: Moraes Editores.
SENA, Jorge de (1973). Dialécticas Teóricas da Literatura. Lisboa: Edições 70.

Teaching method

From the first lectures, a brief idea of the history of Portuguese language will be given. Theory-based lectures will consider commented reading of texts of selected authors, functioning as examples of the Portuguese Renaissance Literature. The study of texts will always consider aesthetic, ideological, formal and linguistic aspects, as well as references to other areas of knowledge.

Evaluation method

The evaluation will be based in two critical analysis of theoretical texts, an essay with about 20 pages on a piece of one of the program´s authors, and participation in class; the weight of each of these elements will be, respectively, as follows: 15% - 35% - 40% - 10%.

Subject matter

Based on Jorge de Sena claim \"no literature in any period of its history is explained entirely by itself, and no aesthetic movement, except in rare special cases, has its history confined to the country or the language of their origin\", is intended to guide the students through a critical reading of some Portuguese authors of the Renaissance period (Bernardim Ribeiro, Gil Vicente, Sá de Miranda, Camões, Fernão Mendes Pinto), with occasional references to Portuguese authors of other coeval areas of knowledge (Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Astronomy, Navigation). Direct references will also be made to some authors of the Classical Antiquity (Homer and Virgil) and the Italian Renaissance (Petrarch and Dante).
Presentation-based theory lectures, and theoretical presentation geared towards epistemological and conceptual framing, will consider the works of three major literary critics of the twentieth century (Jorge de Sena, Óscar Lopes and António José Saraiva).