Portuguese Literature in the 17th and 18th Centuries - 1st semester
a) To discuss the Portuguese poetic and rhetoric theorizations produced in the 17th and 18th centuries in light of the European conceptions.
b) To develop critical studies concerning the poetic works composed in the context of both aesthetic paradigms (Baroque and Neoclassicism).
c) To review critically, from a thematic and formal point of view, the dramaturgy of these periods.
d) To plan, draw up and discuss essays on lyrical and dramatic works of the Portuguese Baroque and Neoclassicism, resorting to the adequate methodological and theoretical approaches.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Teresa Araújo
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
ARAÚJO, Ana Cristina (2003). A Cultura das Luzes em Portugal, Lisboa, Horizonte.
CAMÕES, José (dir.). Teatro de Autores Portugueses do Século XVII, Centro de Estudos do Teatro, Universidade de Lisboa, http://www.cet-e-seiscentos.com.
CASTRO, Aníbal Pinto de (2008). Retórica e Teorização Literária em Portugal. Do Humanismo ao Neoclassicismo, 2ª ed., Lisboa, Imp. Nac. C. da Moeda.
CRUZ, Duarte Ivo (2001). História do Teatro Português, Lisboa, Relógio dÁgua.
CUADRADO, Perfecto E. (1998). Poesia Portuguesa do Século XVIII. Estudo e Antologia, Santiago de Compostela, Laiovento.
GARÇÃO, Correia (1982). Obras Completas, II. Prosas e Teatro, 2.ª ed., Lisboa, Liv. Sá da Costa.
HATHERLY, Ana (1997). O Ladrão Cristalino, Lisboa, Cosmos.
MARAVALL, José Antonio (2002). La cultura del Barroco, 9ª. ed., Barcelona, Ariel.
PIRES, Maria Lucília Gonçalves (2003). Poetas do período barroco, Lisboa, Edições Duarte Reis.
Teaching method
Theoretical: 50%; Theoretical-practical: 50%.
Lectures on the different topics outlined in the syllabus. Text reading and criticism with the students. Tutorial supervision, with the aim of preparing the final research work.
Evaluation method
Evaluation model
1 test - 60%; 1 assignment- 30%; Attendance and/or participation - 10%.
Worker-students should contact the teacher during the first two weeks of classes in order to establish an individual work schedule.
Subject matter
1. Critical reflection on the epochal theorization: from the consecration of the \"discurso engenhoso (Francisco Leitão Ferreira´s Nova Arte de Conceitos) to the apology of an aesthetic rationality and the definition of \"bom gosto\", authored by the \"Arcádia Lusitana\".
2. Thematic and formal approaches to poetic itineraries: from the playful and spectacular compositions of Baroque writers, to the creative search for equilibrium and utility by authors of the \"Arcádia Lusitana\".
3. Thematic and formal approaches to dramatical itineraries: from the Baroque output besides O Fidalgo Aprendiz (Auto del Nacimiento de Cristo y Edicto del Emperador Augusto César by Francisco Rodrigues Lobo, and Pedro Salgado´s Dialogo Gracioso, representative of an important dramatic corpus) to the elaboration of the civic tragedy and of the bourgeois comedy, in the second half of the 18th century.
Programs where the course is taught: