Marginal Literatures - 1st semester


The range is wide and goes from books on print from genres and forms such as science fiction, crime, feulleton, comics, to other media: experimental poetry, performance art, radio, television, rap, slam poetry, facebook, Twitter. To each topic there is a case study that will confirm or contradict the usual assertion on that form´s face value. Students are encouraged to bring their own readings, and some do. Question are raised, such as: How does a literary canon functions? When does a a text stop being ´literary´? (I.e., what is literature about?) Should literature avoid contagion from other forms and media? Why did Kurt Vonnegut got tired of being ´a scifi writer´?

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Rui Zink


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





BARTHES, Roland, Fragmentos de um discurso amoroso, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1977
ECO, Umberto, Apocalípticos e Integrados, Lisboa, Difel, 1991
HATHERLY, Ana, A reinvenção da leitura - ensaio seguido de 19 poemas visuais, Lisboa, Futura, 1975
ISER, Wolfgang, The Act of Reading, Baltimore, John Hopkins U.P., 1978
McCLOUD, Scott, Understanding Comics, Northampton MA, Kitchen Sink Press, 1993
PIMENTA, Alberto, O Silêncio dos Poetas, Lisboa, Cotovia, 1990
SARAIVA, Arnaldo, Literatura marginal/zada, Porto, Árvore, 1975
SPIEGELMAN, Art, Maus, Lisboa, Quetzal, 2014
VONNEGUT, Kurt, Matadouro 5, Lisboa, Bertrand, 2011
ZINK, Rui, Literatura Gráfica?, Lisboa, Celta, 1999
ZINK, Rui, O Humor de Bolso de José Vilhena, Lisboa, Celta, 2000

Teaching method

The class has a lecture and a debate part. The teacher is aware debate is not always as vivid as it could.

Evaluation method

Participation in class - 20%
Test - 40% (50% if no participation)
Paper - 40 to 50%

Subject matter

The range is wide and goes from books on print from genres and forms such as science fiction, crime, feulleton, comics, to other media: experimental poetry, performance art, radio, television, rap, slam poetry, facebook, Twitter. To each topic there is a case study that will confirm or contradict the usual assertion on that form´s face value. Students are encouraged to bring their own readings, and some do. Question are raised, such as: How does a literary canon functions? When does a a text stop being ´literary´? (I.e., what is literature about?) Should literature avoid contagion from other forms and media? Why did Kurt Vonnegut got tired of being ´a scifi writer´?


Programs where the course is taught: