Expressão e Argumentação (not translated) - 1st semester


a) To assess and synthesize the knowledge acquired at secondary level, relevant for the unit, and guide it to the university context.
b) To develop student´s critical skills, guiding them to specific readings and encouraging discussion through arguments and counter-arguments presentation.
c) To help the students to find paths and ways for his/her own thoughts organization, and acquire suitable methods of study.
c) To develop oral and written skills of communication and expression.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luiz Fagundes Duarte


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Saussure, Ferdinand de (1916). Curso de Linguística Geral. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote.
Cunha, Celso; Cintra, Lindley (1986). Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo. Lisboa: João Sá da Costa.
VV. AA. (1987). Oral/Escrito. Argumentação. Enciclopédia Einaudi, 11. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
Castro, Ivo (2001). História da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Instituto Camões ( )

Teaching method

The lectures will have a theoretical and practical nature; all concepts and techniques will be supported by concrete examples, through the reading and commentary of texts and the creation of specific conditions for debate, argumentation and expression of ideas.

Evaluation method

The evaluation will be based in a critical review of a literary, scientific or journalistic text, an essay with about 10 pages on a controversial topic of real life, and participation in class; the weight of each of these elements will be, respectively, as follows: 30% - 50% - 20%.

Subject matter

a) Basics of general linguistics, with special emphasis on concepts such as language and speech, writing and orality, linguistic sign, language functions, synchronic and diachronic linguistics.
b) Basics of the history of the Portuguese language.
c) The tecnhiques of argumentation from Antiquity. Demonstration and argumentation. The Aristotelian categories of argumentation (ethos, pathos, logos). The classical dialectic and its evolution along history.
d) Literary, scientific and journalistic texts. Differences considering their purposes, their argumentation and persuasion techniques, the use of the sources and the author´s relationship with the reader.
e) Technical writing and speaking, conditioned by the author´s or speaker´s purposes.
f) The internal organization of an argumentative text. The essay.
f) Elaboration of a short essay on a nowadays subject, using arguments and counter-arguments.


Programs where the course is taught: