Latin I - 1st semester


General objectives:
By the end of this introductory semester students are expected to acquired the basik knowledge of morphology, phonetics, and syntax that allow simple Latin texts analysis and translation.
Specific objectives:
a) To acquire Latin language proper understanding structure knowledge and, subsequently, to be able to have the reading capability of basic enunciations as simple as maxims and proverbs. (45%)
b) To acquire skills to master basic lexical, morphological and syntactic structures that allow the production of simple phrases. (20%)
c) To apprehend pronunciation rules in connection with the phonetics study. (10%)
d) To establish relationships between Latin and the Romance languages, particularly Portuguese, concerning both the fundamental lexicon and some morphological and syntactic structures. (20%)
e) To connect elements of Roman civilization present in the texts analyzed and cultural practices still recognizable in the Western culture. (5%)

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Inês Ornellas Andrade Castro


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Dicionários / Dictionaries
FERREIRA, A.G., Dicionário Latim-Português. Porto, Porto Editora.
GAFFIOT, F., Dictionnaire illustré latin-français. Paris, Hachette, 2008 (on-line).
LEWIS, C.T. SHORT, C., A new Latin Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 1958 (on-line) Gramáticas /Grammars
FARIA, Ernesto,Gramática Superior da Língua Latina. Rio de Janeiro, Livraria Académica, 1959. (on-line)
COLLART, J., Histoire de la langue latine. Col. “Que sais-je?”, Paris, P.U.F.,1970.
FARIA, Ernesto. Fonética histórica do latim. Rio de Janeiro, Livraria Académica, 1957. (Vide capítulo sobre pronúncia restaurada) [752 LGT]
MAROUZEAU, J. La prononciation du latin. Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1980. [1595 LGT]
MEILLET, A. Esquisse d’une histoire de la langue latine. Paris, hachette, 1952. [1045 LL]
ROCHA PEREIRA, M. H. Estudos de história da cultura clássica. Cultura Romana (vol. II), Lisboa. F.C.G., 2002 (3ª ed.).
Sítios/Web sites
Perseus Digital Library

Teaching method

Classes will have an eminently theoretical-practical nature. A direct method with a progressive approach will be used. Morphology, phonetic and syntax subjects are presented by the professor in a gradual way. After each expositive lecture practical exercises will be carried through in classroom. 1 weekly hour guided by the professor will be dedicated to texts of increasing difficulty translation techniques and to the dictionary good use. The weekly homework (with optional deliver for individual correction) as well as the interpellation during classes will allow students to verify their difficulties and make possible a continuous feed-back, in order to adjust learning to the class profile.

Evaluation method

A system of continuous EVALUATION without final exams (except for students protected by a special regime) will be adopted. The participation in classes, the homework quality (35%), the results of 2 frequencies (55%) as well as the attendance (10%) will be taken into account.

Subject matter

1- Linguistic aspects
a) Latin language history: Indo-European matrix, Latin and major Italic groups; Latin structure and cases fixation.
b) Phonetics: Latin alphabet evolution; different Latin pronunciations, Latin prosodic elements. Vowel and syllabic quantities, the basic phonetic phenomena: ablaut, rhotacism, assimilation, the dissimilation, the crasis and syncope.
c) Morphology: notions of lexeme, morpheme, root, theme, characteristic and case; the gender, number and case; the nominal flexion of the substantive; verbal flexion: categories of voice, mood, aspect, tense, people; invariable words: prepositions, adverbs, conjunctions, interjections, conjunctions and coordinative purposes and subordinate temporal and causal conjunctions.
d) Syntax: syntax cases, the proposition words order; the Latin phrase: simple and independent propositions and parataxis.
2- Lexicology: degrees of root alternation in some words formation.
3- Analysis and translation of original simple texts.


Programs where the course is taught: