History of Modern Portugal (15th-17th Century) - 1st semester


Students are expected to:
a) Acquire an overview of Portuguese history from the 15th to 17th centuries.
b) Understand the most relevant economic, social, political and cultural processes which took place in Portugal during the 15th to 17 centuries.
c) Acquire knowledge of most influential historiographical approaches of the studied subjects.
d) Know the basic bibliography produced on the history of Portugal in this period in time.
e) Improve ability to communicate orally and in writing, integrating the vocabulary and concepts specific to this subject area.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Paulo Oliveira e Costa, Nunziatella Alessandrini


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Costa, Leonor; Lains, Pedro; Miranda, Susana Münch, História Económica de Portugal 1143-2010, Lisboa, Esfera dos Livros, 2011, pp. 73-207.
Dias, João José Alves (coord.), Nova História de Portugal, vol. V, Portugal. Do Renascimento à crise dinástica, Lisboa, Presença, 1998.
Hespanha, António Manuel (coord.), História de Portugal, vol. IV, O Antigo Regime (1620-1807), Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1993
Magalhães, Joaquim Romero (coord.), História de Portugal, vol. III, No Alvorecer da Modernidade (1480-1620), Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1993.
Ramos, Rui (coord.); Monteiro, Nuno Gonçalo; Sousa, Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa, História de Portugal, Lisboa, Esfera dos Livros, 2009, pp. 227-294.

Teaching method

Lectures play an important role in this course, though not exclusively. Students will be asked to engage actively during classes and encouraged to analyze and comment texts or other teaching resources. The teaching methods also include extensive use of computer media.

Evaluation method

The structure of marks and the nature of assignments is the following: two written tests (each one counts for 50% of the final grade); the oral participation of students will also be taken in account of the final grade.

Subject matter

I. Demographic and economic structures
1. Demographic trends. Population distribution. Demographic behavior.
2. Agriculture and livestock farming: growth and the limits of development. Structures of ownership and impacts on exploitation.
3. The industry. Artisan shops and rural manufactures. The industrial geography.
4. Patterns of local and regional trade. The foreign trade.
II. The organization of powers
1. The family.
2. The Church. Ecclesiastical divisions.
3. Communities. The municipal government.
4. Landlords. The political and legal regime of the landlords.
5. The crown. Government and administration.
III. Society
1. Representing society. Vocabulary and ´society of orders’.
2. Nobility and aristocracy. The evolution of the Portuguese nobility hierarchy.
3. Merchant elites.
IV. The political conjunctures (1481-1640)
1. D. John and D. Manuel: the growing importance of the monarchy in the constellation of late-medieval powers.
2. D. John III, between the Empire and the genesis of the Counter-Reformation.
3. The regencies in the minority of D. Sebastian.
4. The dynastic crisis and the \"Catholic genesis of Portugal.\"
5. Under Olivares: the changes of the «Pacto de Tomar».


Programs where the course is taught: