History methodology - 1st semester


To perceive the relevance of the method of work for the study of History
. Learning to organize a research work
. Reflect on the contributions of other sciences to History
. History of the present tense, oral history and biographies - how to proceed with method

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Raquel Pereira Henriques


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Not applicable


BEBIANO, R. (2001). Temas e problemas da história do presente, disponível em http://www1.ci.uc.pt/pessoal/rbebiano/docs/estudos/hrecente.pdf
BLOCH, M. (s.d., 4ª ed). Introdução à História. Mem-Martins: Public. Europa-América
CEIA, C. (2012, 9ª ed) Normas para Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos. Lisboa: Edit. Presença
CURTO, D. R. (2013). Para que serve a História? Lisboa: Tinta-da-China
LE GOFF, J. & NORA, P. (dir.) (1987). Fazer História, Novos objectos. Vol. 3. Venda Nova: Bertrand Edit.
MATTOSO, J. (1988). A Escrita da História. Teoria e Métodos. Lisboa: Edit. Estampa
RANCIÈRE, J. (2014). As palavras da História. Ensaio de poética do saber. Lisboa: Ed unipop
ROSAS, F. (2016). História, (des)memória e hegemonia. In História e Memória…Lisboa: Tinta-da-China, p. 41-81
TORGAL, L. R- (2015). História... Que História? …. Lisboa: Temas e Debates
TRAVERSO, E. (2012). O passado, modos de usar. Lisboa: Ed unipop
VEYNE, P. (2008 [1ª ed. 1971]). Como se escreve a História. Lisboa: Ed 70

Teaching method

In class teaching
40 % theoretical and 60% practical classes . The practical classes will consist of:
- Theoretical information questioning , study visits to libraries and archives of different nature.
- Study visits to museums, monuments or other historical places.

The importance of sources other than the written , such as iconography, objects, archaeological artefacts , oral testimonies , etc., is reinforced.

Evaluation method

Evaluation methodologies:
Essays - 45%
Written reflection about the historian´s work - 30 %
A written classroom test - 25%

Subject matter

1. History between theory and methods: introduction to the study of the discipline
2. The importance of the historical method . General notions of methodology and historical practices
3. The organization of scientific work : planning, structure , quotes, bibliography. Thesis, essay and critical review characteristics
4. Heuristics: conditions and good practice for identification and selection of historical sources
5. The diversity of historical sources . Auxiliary history sciences
6. The historical criticism . The external and internal criticism
7. The historical synthesis . The construction of the narrative
8. Oral historical testimonies. Present time history. Biographical approaches


Programs where the course is taught: