History of the Portuguese Expansion - 1st and 2nd semester
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Alexandra Pinheiro Pelucia, Cristina Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brito
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
COSTA, João Paulo Oliveira e (coor.), RODRIGUES, José Damião, e OLIVEIRA, Pedro Aires de, História da Expansão e do Império Português, Lisboa, A Esfera dos Livros, 2014, pp. 11-339.
DOMINGUES, Francisco Contente (dir.), Dicionário da Expansão Portuguesa 1415-1600, 2 vols., s.l., Círculo de Leitores, 2016.
Teaching method
Theoretical lessons are based in lectures conducted by the teacher. Practical lessons are based on the discussion of topics by students, under the guidance of the teacher, using the presentation, analysis and commentary of documental sources, critical bibliography, audiovisual products, maps and other iconographic materials.
Evaluation method
Realization of two written tests (40% each). Attendance and participation in practical classes (20%).
Subject matter
I. The Maritime Empire (1415-1663)
1. Affirmation (1415-1572)
a) A modern Medieval Age
b) The rise of the african-atlantic axis
c) The first global strategy
2. Transformation (1521-1663)
a) New players
b) New rivals
c) New configuration
II. The Territorial Empire (1663-1822)
1. Reaffirmation (1663-1750)
a) The conquest of the interior lands.
b) Areas of influence.
c) A \"resistant fragility\"
2. Redefinition (1700-1822)
a) The preponderance of Brazil.
b) The reforms of Pombal.
c) The kingdom in the colony
Programs where the course is taught: