Medieval cultural and mentalities History - 2nd semester


a) To acquire knowledge about the history of the subject and the main trends of the current investigation.
b) To develop understanding capacity of the main events and processes of the historical period and spaces studied, in relation to culture and mentalities.
c) To develop the analytcial methodologies of historical sources of cultural history and mentalities.
d) To develop oral presentation and writing skills, integrating the vocabulary and specific categories of medieval history.
e) To develop a reflective and critical attitude.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Luís Inglês Fontes


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Not applicable


-Jérome Baschet, La civilisation féodale. De l´an Mil à la colonisation de l´Amérique, 3ª ed rev e actual., Paris, Flammarion, 2006 (ed. brasileira, A civilização feudal. Do ano mil à colonização da América, São Paulo, Ed. Globo, 2006)
- Jacques Le Goff, Jean-Claude Schmitt (dir.), Dictionnaire raisonné de l’Occident médiéval, Paris, Fayard, 1999 (ed. brasileira Dicionário temático do Ocidente medieval, Bauru, Edusc, 2002)
- Martin F. Ríos Saloma - De la historia de las mentalidades a la historia cultural. Notas sobre el desarrollo de la historiografía en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. In Estudios de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea de México, n. 37 (Janeiro-Junho 2009), pp. 97-137
TINSLEY, David F. - Mentalities in medieval studies. In Albrecht CLASSEN (ed.) - Handbook of Medieval Studies: Terms Methods Trends. Berlim/ Nova Iorque: De Gruyter, 2010, vol. 1, pp. 874-896.

Teaching method

Theoretical and practical classes (50% and 50% respectively).
In class teaching

Evaluation method

Elaboration of 2 practical work in class: historiographical text and historical document commentaries (40 and 60%, respectively).
Attendance to practical classes is required for the full-time students; absence will lead to a penalization of 5% to 10% in the final individual mark.

Subject matter

Module 1. The formation of cultural history and mentalities (19th-20th centuries)

Module 2. Sources for Cultural History and mentalities and analysis techniques

Module 3. Themes of Medieval cultural and mentalities History

1. Main places of cultural production
2. The ecclesia and its project for the spiritualization of the world
3. Lay cultures: Warriors
4. Lay Cultures: popular classes
5. Lay Cultures: technical knowledge and practical
6. Court Culture


Programs where the course is taught: