History of Modern Culture and Mentalities - 1st semester
a) To identify the different and most important cultural processes in Modern Europe (15th-18th centuries)
b) To know the main historiographical currents of interpretation of the subjects studied
c) To know the most important bibliography on the issues and to be able to work on coeval documents.
e) To develop the hability of oral and written communication through an adequate vocabulary and concepts specific to Cultural History
f) To acquire the adequate knowledge which enables the student to proceed further and deeper the studies in the area of Cultural History
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Isabel Buescu
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Not aplicable
La Renaissance, Un big bang culturel, Les Collections de l´Histoire, nº 43, 2009
BURKE, Peter - O Renascimento, Lisboa, Edições Texto & Grafia, 2008
DELUMEAU, Jean A Civilização do Renascimento, Lisboa, Estampa, 2007
COLLINSON, Patrick, A Reforma. História Breve, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2003
CHAUNU, Pierre -Tempo das Reformas, I A Crise da Cristandade, II A Reforma Protestante, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1993
KING, Margaret A Mulher do Renascimento, Lisboa, Presença, 1994.
MARTIN, Henri-Jean e Lucien FEBVRE O Aparecimento do Livro, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2000
MONTEIRO, João Gouveia Orientações da cultura da corte na primeira metade do século XV (a literatura dos Príncipes de Avis), Vértice, 2ª s., nº 5, Ag. 1988, pp. 89-103
MULLET, Michael A Contra-Reforma e a Reforma Católica nos princípios da Idade Moderna Europeia, Lisboa, Gradiva, 1985
SARAIVA, António José História da Cultura em Portugal, II, Lisboa, Jornal do Foro, 195
Teaching method
The classes are both theoretical and practical, consisting of the the exposition, point by point, of the subjects of the Program, with an active participation of the students.
In class teaching.
Evaluation method
Two written individual essays in class
Subject matter
Themes on the Renaissance Culture and Society in EuropeI
I - Introduction - Humanism and Renaissance in Europe: a survey
II The Galaxy Gutenberg. Book and reading in the Renaissance
III Reforms and Religious sensibilities
IV Renaissance and gender: Women in the Renaissance realities, ambiguities