History of Slavery
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
1. James Walvin, Uma história da escravatura, trad. Jorge Palinhos (Lisboa: Tinda da China, 2008).
2. António Carreira, Cabo Verde: Formação e extinção de uma sociedade escravocrata (1460-1878), 3.ª ed. (Praia: Instituto
de Promoção Cultural, 2000).
3. Silvia Hunold Lara, Campos da violência: Escravos e Senhores na Capitania do Rio de Janeiro 1750-1808 (Rio de Janeiro:
Paz e Terra, 1988).
4. Luiz Felipe de Alencastro, O Trato dos Viventes: formação do Brasil no Atlântico Sul, séculos XVI e XVII (São Paulo:
Companhia das Letras, 2000).
5. Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo, Livros brancos, almas negras. A missão civilizadora do colonialismo português c. 1870-1930
(Lisboa: ICS, 2010).
Teaching method
Classes are divided between lectures and more interactive ones. During the former, the instructor follows the syllabus,
searching always to promote the debate around the most controversial points. In the interactive classes, the instructor
guides students through the range of interpretations suggested by documents and the main historiographical dossiers.
Office hours dedicated to tutorial sessions serve to clarify possible doubts, as well as to provide supervision to the
development of individual research works.
Evaluation method
Evaluation requirements articulates three different aspects, to which will be associated the same value: (i) written exam, (ii)
an essay around a single topic, one book or a small group of documents (5 thousand typefaces), (iii) and oral participation
of the students in all classes.
Subject matter