History of India


a) Identify the major political, economic, social and cultural processes that characterized the history of India and understand its importance.
b) Understand the specificity of Indian civilization.
c) Know the main historiographical interpretations of the subjects studied.
d) Know the basic bibliography of the subject and be able to work with historical documents of the same.
e) Develop ability to communicate orally and in writing, integrating the vocabulary and specific categories of the themes.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





- FRÉDÉRIC, Louis, Dictionnaire de la Civilization Indienne, s.l., Robert Laffont, 1987.
- MARKOVITS, Claude (dir.), Histoire de l’Inde Moderne (1480-1950), s.l., Fayard, 1994.
- MURPHEY, Rhoads, A History of Asia, Upper Saddle River, Pearson Education, 2009 (capítulos relativos à Índia).
- STEIN, Burton, A History of India, Nova Deli, Oxford University Press, 2004.
- THAPAR, Romila, The Penguin History of Early India – From the Origins to AD 1300, Londres, Penguin Books, 2003.

Teaching method

Theoretical lessons are based in lectures conducted by the teacher. Practical lessons are based on the discussion of topics by students, under the guidance of the teacher, using the presentation, analysis and commentary of documental sources, critical bibliography, audiovisual products, maps and other iconographic materials.

Evaluation method

Realization of two written tests (40% each). Attendance and participation in practical classes (20%).

Subject matter

I. The Indian world: geography and peoples
II. The first outbreaks of civilization
III. The impact of the Aryan invasions
IV. Brahmanism, Buddhism and Hinduism
V. The powers of the North and South in the classical era
VI. The Islamization, from the conquest of Sind to the Mughal Empire
VII. The Hindu bastions: Rajput principalities, the Vijayanagar Empire and the Marathi Confederation
VIII. Commercial influences and European rivalries
IX. The British Raj
X. The road to independence and Nehru´s India


Programs where the course is taught: