History of the Portuguese in Asia - 1st semester


General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paulo Jorge de Sousa Pinto


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





- COSTA, João Paulo Oliveira e & Vítor Luís Gaspar Rodrigues, «La Estructura del Estado de la India», in Portugal y Oriente:
el Proyecto Indiano del Rey Juan, Madrid, Editorial MAPFRE, 1992, pp. 211-272.
- COSTA, João Paulo Oliveira e, «A Nobreza e a Fundação do Estado da Índia», in Vasco da Gama, Homens, Viagens e
Culturas. Actas do Congresso Internacional, coor. Joaquim Romero de Magalhães & Jorge Manuel Flores, vol. II, s.l.,
CNCDP, 2001, pp. 39-73.
- IDEM & Teresa Lacerda, A Interculturalidade na Expansão Portuguesa (Séculos XV-XVIII), Lisboa, ACIME, 2007.
- PELÚCIA, Alexandra, Corsários e Piratas Portugueses. Aventureiros nos Mares da Ásia, Lisboa, A Esfera dos Livros, 2010.
- SUBRAHMANYAM, Sanjay, «A Sociedade Asiática Portuguesa I: os Domínios Oficiais», in O Império Asiático Português,
1500-1700. Uma História Política e Económica, s.l., Difel, s.d, pp. 306-349.

Teaching method

Theoretical lessons are based in lectures conducted by the teacher. Practical lessons are based on the discussion of topics
by students, under the guidance of the teacher, using the presentation, analysis and commentary of documental sources,
critical bibliography, audiovisual products, maps and other iconographic materials.

Evaluation method

Realization of a written test (40%). Realization of a written work (40%). Attendance and participation in practical classes

Subject matter


Programs where the course is taught: