Portuguese Painting of the 15th and 16th Century - 2nd semester


1) To acquire theoretical knowledge in History of Portuguese painting of the 15th and 16th centuries.
2) To master the basic concepts and methodologies of history of painting, including technical vocabulary.
3) To develop conceptual and critical capacities regarding the pictorial objects and their historical and artistic context.
4) To acquire skills in the analysis and identification of pictorial art on the various existing modes (easel painting, wall-painting, illumination, stained glass painting ...).
5) To master the knowledge of history of painting appropriate to the performance of activities in the fields of History of Culture, Museology and Heritage.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Susana Varela Flor


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





CAETANO, Joaquim Inácio, O Marão e as Oficinas de Pintura Mural nos séculos XV e XVI, Lisboa, Ed. Aparição, 2001.

CAETANO, Joaquim O. e CARVALHO, José Alberto Seabra (coord.) Primitivos Portugueses 1450-1550 – o século de Nuno Gonçalves, Catálogo da Exposição, Lisboa, Athena, 2010.

DESWARTE-ROSA, Sylvie, Ideias e Imagens em Portugal na época dos Descobrimentos, Lisboa, Difel, 1992.

FLOR, Pedro, Nuno Gonçalves, Matosinhos, Quidnovi, 2010.

PEREIRA, Fernando António B., Imagens e Histórias de Devoção - Espaço, Tempo e Narrativa na Pintura Portuguesa do Renascimento (1450-1550), 2 vols., Lisboa, Tese de Doutoramento apresentada à FBAUL, 2001.

RODRIGUES, Dalila, A pintura num século de excepção 1450-1550, Lisboa, Fubu Editores, 2009.

SERRÃO, Vítor, A Pintura Maneirista em Portugal - A Arte no tempo de Camões, Lisboa, CNCDP, 1994.

SERRÃO, Vítor, ANTUNES, Vanessa e SERUYA, Ana Isabel, As preparações na pintura portuguesa dos séculos XV e XVI, Lisboa, FLUL, 2013.

Teaching method

The teaching methodology and the final evaluation of the course are based on the rules in force at FCSH / NOVA. The classes are divided in theoretical and practical types. The classes are based on multimedia projections (and also on Internet resources), and written texts provided in Moodle platform. Such pedagogical materials enable the internal debate of the syllabus and also enable its explanation in class. During the classes, students may measure, formatively, their knowledge, and can also put together their doubts and difficulties.

Evaluation method

The assessment is divided in two stages: a frequency / an exam (40%) and a research paper (50%) to be delivered at the end of the semester. Oral participation in class and attendance (10%) are also recorded elements for the final evaluation.

Subject matter

1. Introduction to the history of European painting from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries: sources and bibliography

2 - Italy versus Flanders: Two painting art courses in the fifteenth century

3 - Painting in Portugal in the fifteenth century

4 - Nuno Gonçalves and the Portuguese art in the second half of the fifteenth century

5 - Centers and peripheries in the sixteenth century: Lisbon, Coimbra, Aveiro, Évora, Viseu and Lamego

6 - Portuguese painting from 1500 to 1540: Jorge Afonso and Gregório Lopes

7 - Francisco de Holanda and the Mannerism in Portugal

8 - Painting in Portugal between the Counter-Reformation and the dual Monarchy

9 - The advent of proto-Baroque painting


Programs where the course is taught: