History of Urbanism - 1st semester
To understand and discuss the issues related to history of urbanism in the disciplinary framework of art history, considering the following key objectives:
a) understanding the main concepts related to urbanism as an object of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary study;
b) identifying the artistic dimensions of the urban object on its own and as physical and cultural context for architecture and works of art in general;
c) understanding the key sequence of urban models in the Western world by identifying case studies;
d) contextualizing the most significant aspects of urbanism evolution in the Portuguese world;
e) to master methodological procedures of urban analysis, specially the graphical representation tools, through practical work on case studies;
f) to discuss the problems of the contemporary city and to understand the involved heritage values, questioning the concepts of historical city and historical center.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Docente a definir
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Portuguese with teacher supervision in FL
ARMAS, Duarte de, ed. João José Alves Dias. 2015. Livro das Fortalezas. Duarte de Armas. Casal de Cambra: Caleidoscópio.
ARGAN, Giulio Carlo. (1983) 1998. História da Arte como História da Cidade. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.
BACON, Edmund N. (1967) 1995. Design of Cities. London: Thames and Hudson.
BENEVOLO, Leonardo. (1975) 2015. História da Cidade. São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva.
CACCIARI, Massimo (2004-2009) 2010. A cidade. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.
COELHO, Carlos Dias, coord. 2015. Os Elementos Urbanos (Cadernos de Morfologia Urbana, Estudos da Cidade Portuguesa, 1). Lisboa: Argumentum.
KOSTOF, Spiro. 1991. The City Shaped, Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History. London: Thames and Hudson.
LYNCH, Kevin. (1960) 1982. A imagem da cidade. Lisboa: Edições 70.
ROSSA, Walter. 2002. A Urbe e o Traço. Uma Década de Estudos sobre o Urbanismo Português. Coimbra: Almedina
ROSSI, Aldo. (1966) 1977. A Arquitectura da Cidade. Lisboa: Edições Cosmos.
Teaching method
Theoretical-practical classes, with lectures, case studies discussion in class and field trips. Topics will be taught on lecture format, complemented by practical sessions based on the analysis and comment of bibliography and primary sources (written and/or iconographic and cartographic), documents that will be previously given out. Describe the teaching methods
Evaluation method
The final assessment should balance the attendance and critical participation in the sessions (APx10%), two individual open-book written tests (PE1x20%+PE2x40%) and the production of an individual or group paper resulting from autonomous research and analysis of a specific urban space, with oral presentation in class (TFx30%).
The final semester grading formula is as follows: CF=APx10+PE1x20+PE2x40+TFx30
Subject matter
1. Concepts of the History of Urbanism
2. The Ancient City
3. The Medieval City
4. The Early Modern City
5. The Nineteenth Century City
6. Urbanism and the Modern City