Social Stratification and Mobility - 2nd semester
1. Knowledge and understanding of the main conceptual perpectives on the structure of social inequality;
2. Ability to translate conceptual perspectives into empirical tools for the analysis of social structure;
3. Knowldege and understanding of the trends for social structural change in contemporary societies;
4. Knowledge and ability to use analytical methods to study social mobility and its change;
5. Skills to design empirical work on social stratification and mobility, in the context of either basic research or of support to policy design and implementation;
6. Ability to present and communicate sociological knowledge, analytical results and problems in a meaningful and accurate way.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Paula Gil, João Pedro Nunes
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Students should have completed 48 Credit Units ECTS
Costa, A.F. (2012). \"Desigualdades globais\". Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas (68), pp. 9-32.
Costa, A.F. et al. (2000). \"Classes sociais na Europa\". Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas (34), pp. 9-43.
Crompton, R. (1998). Class and Stratification: an introduction to current debates, London, Polity (2nd edition)
Estanque, E., & Mendes, J.M (1998). Classes e desigualdades sociais em Portugal. Porto: Afrontamento.
Goldthorpe, J.H. (1987). Social struture and social mobility in modern Britain. Oxford: Clarendon.
Hammett, C. (1989). Restructuring Britain: The changing social structure. London: Sage.
Ishida, I. (1995). Social mobility in contemporary Japan. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Teaching method
Aulas teóricas (50%).
Aulas práticas (50%): apresentação pelos alunos e discussão em aula de textos com exemplos de análise empírica de estratificação e da mobilidade social, e de exercícios de aplicação de grelhas de classificação a conjuntos de dados para análise empírica da estratificação e da mobilidade social.
In class teaching.
Evaluation method
Oral presentation of one text in class (15%). One written term paper (25%). One individual test written in class (60%). Indicar ponderações para cada um dos elementos de avaliação
Subject matter
1. First theoretical approaches to social structure: K. Marx and M. Weber and J. Schumpeter
2. Functionalist perspectives: T. Parsons, K. Davies and W. Moore
3. Operationalization and measurement of social structures: E. O. Wright, P. Bourdieu, J. Goldthorpe, J. Ferreira de Almeida
4. Trends in the evolution of social structure
5. Class classification grids and how they are applied
6. Social mobility: basics
7. The empirical analysis of mobility: using intergenerational mobility tables or according to the factors of individual pathways
8. The evolution of change in our societies and its structural factors
9. Structural and net mobility