Sociology of Everyday Life - 2nd semester


1. Knowledge and understanding of theorectical concepts and perspectives of a sociological approach to everiday life;
2. Knowledge and understanding of the methods for taking on an empirical approach to everyday life, by operacionalising the previous theoretical outlooks;
3. Ability to analyse and interpret processes and routines in everiday social life;
4. Ability to communicate sociological knowledge on the subject in a rigorous and significant way.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Paula Gil, Maria do Rosário Jorge, Nuno Dias


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Blumer, Herbert. 1982. “La posición metodológica del interacionismo simbólico.” El Interacionismo Simbólico: Perspectiva y Método, Barcelona: Hora, S. A.
Certeau, Michel de (1984) The Practice of Everyday Life. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Garfinkel, Harold. 1967. Studies in Ethnomethodology. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
Goffman, E. (1993[1959]), A apresentação do eu na vida de todos os dias, Lisboa, Relógio d’Água.
Lefebvre, Henri (1947/1991) Critique of everyday life. London: Verso.
Mead, George Herbert. 1934. Mind Self and Society from the Standpoint of a Social Behaviorist. Chicago, University of Chicago.
Pais, J.M. (2002). Sociologia da vida quotidiana. Teorias, métodos e estudos de caso. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
Scott, S. (2009). Making sense of everyday life. Cambridge, Polity Press.

Teaching method

Teaching proceesds with theoretical and practical sessions. In theoretical sessions the teacher presents the fundamentals and theoretical perspectives of an everyday life approach. Taking into account the acquired conceptual frameworks, it is intended that in the practical sessions we analyze case studies and support students in the development of group work.
In class teaching

Evaluation method

A avaliação desdobra-se em duas componentes:
a) Prova escrita (50%)
b) Trabalho de grupo (50%).

Subject matter

1. What is Everyday Life? Introductory notes
2. Sociology of Everyday Life: a state of the art
G. Simmel: the social and the individual
G. H. Mead: mind self and society
H. Blumer: the methodological position of symbolic interactionism
E. Goffman: ritualization and dramatization; the representation, the actor and the role; stigma and social identity; the intimate life of a public institution
A. Schutz: phenomenology
H. Garfinkel: ethnomethodology
P. Berger and T. Luckmann: constructivism
M. de Certeau: strategy and tactic in the organisation and the practices of everyday life
H. Lefebvre: the critique of everyday life

3. Research themes
Work and leisure
Urban experience


Programs where the course is taught: