Environmental Sociology
1. Understanding the interdependencies between social and environmental systems;
2. Ability to reflect critically on the emergence of risks and development models;
3. Knowledge and understanding of the tools to perform the sociologist´s role in environmental management policies and institutions, particularly on social impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment;
4. Ability to analyse environmental conflicts and perform case studies on risk perception and public participation processes;
5. Ability to reflect critically on the concept of sustainable development
6. Skills for autonomous literature research and reflexive analysis of different theoretical outlooks and authors.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
To have accomplished a minimum of 48 ECTS credits
Beck, U (1992) Risk society: Towards a new modernity. London: Sage.
Bell, M (2004) An invitation to environmental sociology. Thousand Oaks: P. Forge Press
Bookchin, M. (2007) Social ecology and communalism. Oakland: AK Press
Dunlap, R. & Michelson, W (1992) Handbook of environmental sociology Westport: Green. Press.
Gross, M. & Heinrichs, H (ed) (2010) Environmental sociology: European perspectives and interdisciplinary challenges. London: Springer
Harrison, J.L (2011)Parsing participation: Action research: Navigating the challenges of lay involvement in technically complex participatory science projects, Society & Natural Res. 24 (7): 702-716.
PNUD (2007) Combater as alterações climáticas: Solidariedade humana num mundo dividido.
Santos, F. D., Miranda, P. (ed.) (2007) Alterações climáticas em Portugal; Cenários, impactos e medidas de adaptação. Lisboa: Gradiva.
Waas, T; Hugé, J; Verbruggen, A; Wright, T (2011) SustainableDevelopment: A Birds Eye View. Sustainability, 3:1637-1661
Teaching method
A written essay and oral class presentaion based on autonomous a literature review on a topic aggred with the professor. individual written test.
In class teaching.
Evaluation method
A written essay and oral class presentaion based on autonomous a literature review on a topic aggred with the professor (30%). individual written test (70%).
Subject matter
1. The emergence of environmental sociology
2. Environmental and social issues
2.1. Risk perception
2.2. Social vulnerabilities
3. Methodologies for social impact assessment and risk analysis
3.1 Case studies and multicriteria methodologies
4. Environmental concerns and ecological organizations
4.1. Deep Ecology and ethicall issues
5. The concept of sustainable development
6. Prospective scenarios of climate change and its multiple impact on the society and on the environment