Territory and Social Networks


1.Knowledge and understanding of concepts such as social networks and territory, information society, knowledge based economy, and their spatial inscriptions, in a pluridisciplinary approach;
2.Understanding of changes related to the transition to the information society and the impact of new information and communication technologies (ICT) on society, the economy, and the territory;
3.Ability to gather and interpret data to support reflection, discuss theories and analyse problems on the above themes;
4.Ability to reflet ccritically and autonomously on the central issues developed in class;
5.Ability to communicate sociological knowledge on the subject in a rigorous and significant way.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



To have accomplished a minimum of 48 ECTS credits


Boschma, R; Fritsch, M. (2009) Creative Class and Regional Growth: Empirical Evidence from Seven EU Countries, Ec. Geog, 85(4), 391–423Cardoso, G et al (2005) A sociedade em rede em Portugal. Lisboa: Campo das Letras
Castells, M (2004) A galáxia Internet. Lisboa: FC Gulbenkian
Harvey, D (1996) The condition of postmodernity. Cambridge: Blackwell
Himanen, P & Castells, M (2004) Institutional models of the network society, in Castells (ed) The network society: A cross-cultural perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, p 49-83
Räsänena, P & Kouvob, A (2007) Linked or divided by the web? Internet use and sociability in four European countries. Inf, Com & Soc 10, p219-241
Sassen, S (2006) Cities and communities in the global economy. In Brenner, N & Keil, R (ed) Global cities reader. Oxford: Routledge
Schwarz, O. (2012) The New Hunter gatherers: Making Human Interaction Productive in the Network Society Theory, Culture & Society, 29(6) 78–98

Teaching method

Per week students must attend one theoretical and one practical class. First they will attend a lecture on theoretical concepts and examples; in practical classes students are encouraged to comment on pre-selected texts. These classes are also used to for the students oral presentations of their work and for the monitoring of the group/individual work.
In class teaching.

Evaluation method

Evaluation includes a written essay, an oral presentation, class participation and attendance, and a written test in class. Each group of students or each student should prepare an essay during the semester, on a topic agreed with the teacher. The written essay, the oral presentation and class participation weigh 30% of the final grade. The written test will assesses the ability to pertinently apply the knowledge of relevant authors and concepts, of research and critical analysis, in a coherent well-argued and clear text, and weighs for 70% of the final grade.

Subject matter

Module 1 Processes that (re)structure the Contemporary Society and the Territories
1.1. The new landscapes of globalization
1.1.1 The geographical configuration of the contemporary world
1.1.2 Global and Networked cities
1.2 The Technological Revolution
1.3 Space-Time Compression
2. The information and knowledge-based society (IKBS)
2.1 The key concepts and the diverse dimensions of the IKBS
2.2 The IKBS in the EU
2.3 Transition models to the IKBS
Module 2. Social Networks and Territories
1. Network society and the impact of ICT´s in social interaction
1.1 Key concepts on Social Networks
1.2 Virtual communities and the new patterns of social interaction
1.3 The digital divide
3. 2. The Knowledge-based Economy
2.1 The concept of KBE or informational economy
1.2 Creative Class and Creative Communities
2.2 Networked Firms and Value-added networks
3. Employment in the IKBS
3.1 Competences and Skils in the IKBS
3.2 Telework and new patterns of time and space use


Programs where the course is taught: