Anthropology and Heritage - 2nd semester
a)Understanding heritage as an object of anthropological inquiry and study the links between anthropology and heritage from concrete case studies.
b)Providing students with a historical understanding of heritage and museology, from its origins until the present, with attention to the Portuguese realm and establishing comparisons at the international level.
c)Familiarizing students with theories, debates and terminology related to the representation, commodification and authenticity of the past, in different historical periods.
d)Understanding the political and contested nature of heritage projects and analysis of its ideological and symbolic contents.
e)Considering the sites and objects of heritage as social spaces by conducting brief ethnographic exercises.
f)Providing students with a set of practical tools for action in the field of heritage, with special attention to intangible heritage.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paula Godinho
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
BORTOLOTTO, Chiara, coord. (2011) Le Patrimoine culturelle immatériel Enjeux d´une nouvelle catégorie, Paris, FMSH.
COSTA, Paulo, ed. (2009) Museus e Património Imaterial Agentes, fronteiras, identidades, Lisboa, MC-IMC.
FRIGOLÉ, Joan; del MÁRMOL, Camila; NAROTZKY, Susana eds. (2010) Los lindes del património Consumo y valores del passado, Barcelona,
GODINHO, P., ed. (2012) Usos da memória e Práticas do Património, Lisboa, Colibri.
HARTOG, F. (2003) Régimes dhistoricité Présentismes et expériences du temps, Paris, Seuil.
HEINICH, N. (2009) La fabrique du patrimoine: de la cathédrale à la petite cuillère, Paris, EMSH.
LOWENTHAL D. (1985) The Past is a Foreign Country. Cambridge, CUP.
PERALTA, Elsa, Anico, M., eds. (2006) Patrimónios e Identidades Ficções Contemporâneas, Lisboa, Celta.
PRATS, Llorenç (1997) Antropología y património. Barcelona, Ariel
TRAVERSO, E. (2005) Le passé, modes d´emploi - histoire, mémoire, politique, La Fabrique Editions, Paris
Teaching method
The course is divided into theoretical and theoretical-practical lectures (by the professor and guests), seminars and film exhibitions
During the course, students must develop several skills and competences based on Learning Objectives. Different Teaching-learning
methodologies will be used to achieve those objectives.
Methodologies of teaching-learning:
1. Expository, to present the theoretical frames of reference
2. Participatory, with collective seminar debates
3. Active, with individual and team presentations
4. Self-Learning - autonomous work
Evaluation method
Evaluation: presentation of a text (25%); attendance and participation (15%) and a written essay (60%)
Subject matter
1.Introduction: the notion of heritage; The multiple dimensions of heritage; Heritage and related concepts: history, tradition, memory and culture. Remembrance and forgetting. Heritage and identity; Heritage and society. Heritage management.
2. Politics and trajectories of heritage: from the cult of the relic to the post-modernization of the past; Changes in the relationship between anthropology, heritage and museums.
3. Theoretical approaches to the study of heritage.
4. The Right to the past: the preservation of the past as a cultural right; cultural property and repatriation; Heritage and the politics of recognition and reconciliation; Conflicts on heritage and heritage in conflict situations.
5. The heritage industry: the Commodification of the past.
6. Non-Western Conceptions and Genealogies: emic perspectives on cultural heritage; Translations, mimetic appropriations and migrant concepts.
7. Ethnography of Heritage.
8. Intangible Heritage: defining intangible cultural heritage. The UNESCO Convention for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage. The Portuguese reality; The role of the anthropologist in the study, inventory and management of intangible cultural heritage.
9. Conclusion: The Future of the Past