Television Direction and Production - 2nd semester
The student must:
a). Acquire knowledge and skills to develop his ideas within the technical and artistic aspects of television producing and directing.
b). Develops practical assignments and realizes them with the appropriate and available audiovisual equipment.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
-- Docente a contratar --, Francisco Rui Cádima
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
BERNSTEIN, Steven. Film Production, Focal Press, London, 1997.
BALAN, Willians Cerozzi - Orgnização da Produção em Televisão.
KELLISON, Cathrine - Produção e Realização para TV e Vídeo (Uma abordagem prática)
CROCOMO, F. - TV Digital e Produção Interactiva -
MISSIKA, Jean-Louis e WOLTON, Dominique - Televisão: das origens ao multimédia e à interactividade.
Teaching method
Classes are divided in two parts. The first part (60%) is a lecture followed by a debate or commentary with active participation from the students under the teachers direction. The second part (40%) consists of watching audiovisual materials related to the content of the previous lecture.
Evaluation method
Evaluation consists of three elements: a test, a project development, a practical assignment.
Written test: 35%
Project development: 35%
Practical assignment: 30%
Subject matter
1) Introduction to the two main great areas of television: production and directing;
2) Analysis of the elements that set apart the main television models and systems, and how one identifies and recognizes audiovisual concepts inherent to television.
3) Study of Television language, its specificity and its straight laterality with cinema;
4) Narration and its devices in various televisive formats;
5) audiovisual language in television;
6) The various production paradigms in the television industry.