Textualities - 1st and 2nd semester


a) Obtain a deep knowledge on textuality;
b) Reflect on the inscription devices;
c) Acquire reading competence and critical comment;
d) Gather self-awareness on the individual experience of writing

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Augusta Babo


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





ADAM, J.-M., - Les textes types et prototypes – récit, description, argumentation, explication et dialogue, Paris, Nathan, 2001
BABO, M. A e MOURÃO, J. A. – Escrita, Memória, Arquivo – Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens, nº 40, Lisboa, CECL/Relógio d’Água, 2009
MOURÃO, J. A. e BABO, M. A. – Semiótica – Genealogias e Cartografias, Coimbra, MinervaCoimbra, 2007
RICOEUR, P. – Teoria da Interpretação, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1987
RICOEUR, P. – Écrits et Conférences 2 – Herméneutique, “II. Herméneutique et monde du texte”, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 2010

Teaching method

Theoretical classes (60%) exploring the set program.
Textual analysis (40%)
Comment from texts listed in bibliography.

Evaluation method

Optional: critical statement or presentation about a topic from bibliography.
Written text (in presence) required.

Subject matter

1. Genealogy of the concept of text:
the text as writing
2. Text and temporality:
the role of narrative in organization of temporality
3. Text and world:
representation and referentiality
4. Text and subject:
intentionality and interpretation