Film Programming


The main purpose of this course is to understand the different methods of film programming and its involving tasks: archiving, promotion, and critical analysis. Through a practical project of film programming, we will seek to transmit essential competences and practical knowledge on the subject.
The student is required to:
a) Understand the position of cinema in the mass communication system and its social and political influence;
b) Analyse films in the context of audiovisual complex network, in terms of both form and sense;
c) Know the methods of analytical description of film and take advantage of them in a critical way;
d) Understand the programming processes;
e) Be able to explore the issues related to cultural production, in particular those articulated with the conceptual and thematic research on film.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Giannetti, Louis (2002). Understanding Movies, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 2002;
Grilo, João Mário (2006). O Homem Imaginado, Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2006;
Monaco, James (2002). How to read a film, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002;
Moscowitz, John E. (2000). Critical Approaches to writing about film, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 2000.

Outras referências específicas bem como alguns textos básicos serão disponibilizados ao longo do Semestre, na plataforma Moodle.

Other references as well as basic readings will be provided for students thoughout the semester.

Teaching method

There will be screenings during classes, and students will be invited to present and discuss the movies included in the Film Program. A central theme will be the focus of weekly collective debate. Each student is required to do some research on the subject and gave a presentation on a specific film. If requested, there will be tutorial classes every week, in order to prepare those presentations.
In class teaching

Evaluation method

Evaluation method:
a) Film presentation (20-30 mintues), 30% + attendance, discussion and participation 10%;
b) Final / research paper (max: 6000 words) 60%.

Subject matter

I. The Course will focus on the understanding of Film Programming process, and its critical approach based on a specific subject which will be different every academic year; Creative thinking and writing about film will be also taken into consideration.
II. Programming activity and its tasks:
1. Film Programming: Issues and guidelines;
2.Documents: research and selection (e.g. exploring the archives);
3. Catalogue organization;
4. Program organization (e.g. taking audiences into consideration);
5. Film projection, cinematic analysis, critical writing and collective discussion; basic models of critical methodology in use on film theory.


Programs where the course is taught: