Portuguese Literature in the 20th Century - 1st and 2nd semester


a) To analyze the key texts representatives of the literary movements of the first half of the twentieth century;
b) To acquire knowledge about Portuguese Modernism, in its relation with tradition and avantgarde;
c) To study fundamental aspects of Fernando Pessoa, Mário de Sá Carneiro and Almada Negreiros literary work
d) To discuss the dialogue between the generation of Orpheus and the generation of Presence;
e) Confronting the literary attitudes of neorealistic and surreal;
f) Deepen the experience of literary reading and the field of literary analysis techniques.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Paula Cristina Costa


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Lisboa, Eugénio, O segundo modernismo em Portugal, Lisboa: ICP, 1977;
Lourenço, Eduardo, Fernando Pessoa Revisitado – Leitura estruturante de um Drama Em Gente, Lisboa: Gradiva, 2000;
Lourenço, Eduardo, O Lugar do Anjo – Ensaios Pessoanos, Lisboa: Gradiva, 2004;
Martins, Fernando Cabral, O Modernismo em Mário de Sá-Carneiro, Lisboa: Estampa, 1994;
Martins, Fernando Cabral (coord.), Dicionário de Fernando Pessoa e do Modernismo Português, Lisboa: Editorial Caminho, 2008;
Sapega, Ellen, Ficções Modernistas, Lisboa: ICLP, 1992;
Sena, Jorge, Fernando Pessoa e Cª Heterónima, 2ª ed., Lisboa: Edições 70, 1984;
Silva, Celina, Almada Negreiros – A Busca de uma Poética da Ingenuidade, Porto:
Tchen, Adelaide Ginga, A Aventura Surrealista, Lisboa: Colibri, 2001;
Viçoso, Vítor (dir.), Nova Síntese: textos e contextos do neo-realismo, Porto: Campo das Letras, 2006.

Teaching method

Classes will have a strong practical component. Reading and analysis of texts will be privileged, some of them
prepared at home by students, and the expository moments reserved for the framing of the texts under
consideration and systematization of knowledge thus acquired.

Evaluation method

In the evaluation, will be given relief to student participation during classes (20%). Will be held two presencial
written tests, consultation allowed, each corresponding to 40% and two minitests (not occupying more than half
an hour), only informative, to assess the reading of the recommended works.

Subject matter

1. Portuguese Literature of the twentieth century: the main movements, magazines and authors.
2. The nostalgia of Teixeira de Pascoaes
3. The \"first\" modernism:
3.1. Fernando Pessoa: heteronomy and fiction of being.
3.2. Mario SáCarneiro: the self and the other.
3.3. Almada Negreiros: \"recover the innocence\".
4. The ´second´ modernism:
4.1. The presence magazine: critical and creative space.
4.2. Miguel Torga: \"telurismo\" and psychologism.
5. The neorealism:
5.1. Intervention and commitment
5.2. Manuel da Fonseca: tell many tales.
6. Surrealism:
6.1. Intervention and uninvolvement
6.2. António Maria Lisboa: Freedom, Love and Knowledge
6.3: MarioHenrique
Leiria: tell other stories.
Must read works:
\"A Confissão de Lúcio\" of Mário de SáCarneiro,
\"Nome de Guerra\" of Almada Negreiros; \"Um roubo\" (Contos da Montanha) and \"Madalena\" (Os Bichos) of Miguel Torga; tales (to be reported) of Manuel da Fonseca and Mario Henrique Leiria.