Brazilian Literature - 2nd semester


a) To acquire specific knowledge about the evolution of Brazilian literature, its history as a national literature and the problems of its constitution in separation of Portuguese literature;
b) To deepen the knowledge of linguistic differentiation of Portuguese, particularly through contact with the Brazilian Portuguese and literary in particular acquiring some familiarity with linguistic differentiation in Brazil;
c) To acquire knowledge about the Brazilian contribution to world literature, deepening the study of some key players for this contribution;
d) To acquire knowledge about the problems of world literature, relations between countries and literature, the problem of national specificity of literature and the historicity of literature notion;
e) deepen the knowledge of literary theory, the experience of literary reading and the mastery of literary analysis techniques.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Abel Barros Baptista, Clara Maria Abreu Rowland


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Obras de carácter geral:
— Histórias e estudos de carácter geral:
Alfredo Bosi, História Concisa da Literatura Brasileira, 35.ª ed., São Paulo, Cultrix, 1997.
Antonio Candido, Iniciação à Literatura Brasileira, São Paulo, Humanitas, 1999.
—, O Romantismo no Brasil, São Paulo, Humanitas/FFLCH/USP, 2002.

— Antologias:
Antonio Candido, José Aderaldo Castello, Presença da Literatura Brasileira, 10.ª ed., São Paulo, Bertrand, 1997.
Massaud Moisés, A Literatura Brasileira através dos Textos, 19.ª ed., São Paulo, Cultrix, 1995.

A bibliografia específica é em parte indicada no começo das aulas e em parte responsabilidade da pesquisa do aluno.

Teaching method

Percentage of practical classes: 60%. Predominance of readings and analysis in class, with lectures introducing the texts and organizing conclusions.
In the evaluation, student participation will have an important weight, between 20 and 30%. A midterm paper corresponds to 35% of the final grade, and a final paper will be worth between 35% and 45%. The determination of these weights depends on the texts to study each year and the degree of difficulty they present.

Evaluation method

Midterm paper: 50%.
Final exam: 50%.

Subject matter

1. The constitution of Brazilian national literature: the romanticism.
a) Gonçalves de Magalhães theory of Brasilian Literature and the \"Portuguese problem\";
b) a particularidade da obra poética de Gonçalves Dias;
c) centralidade de José de Alencar: leitura de Iracema.

2. Readings on Brazilian modern fiction:
a) Machado de Assis, Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas ou Dom Casmurro, contos;
b) Graciliano Ramos, São Benardo;
c) Clarice Lispector, Laços de família;
d) João Guimarães Rosa, Primeiras estórias;

3. The Braziliam modernism and the reconstitution of the national Brazialian literature
a) readings on Mário de Andrade, Oswaldo de Andrade, Manuel Bandeira;

4. Readings on Brazilian modern poetry.
a) Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Alguma poesia;
b) Manuel Bandeira, Libertinagem;
c) João Cabral de Melo Neto, A educação pela pedra.


Programs where the course is taught: