Themes of Contemporary Philosophy - 1st semester
a) Comprehensive identification of fundamental issues in contemporary
philosophical thought.
b) To contextualize those issues diachronically and synchronically.
c) To improve critical and analytical capabilities through the study of relevant
contemporary philosophical texts.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Manuel João Matos
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Not applicable
KIERKEGAARD, S., (1980) The Sickness unto Death, Kierkegaards Writings¸vol, XIX, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
KIERKEGAARD, S., (1978) Two Ages, Kierkegaards Writings¸vol, XIV, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
SIMMEL, G., (2003) Ventura e Sventura della modernità (trad. italiana), Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
SIMMEL, G. (1971) On Individuality and Social Forms (trad. ing.), Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Teaching method
Course of theoretical-practical character. The methodology used combines a theoretical examination of questions and the interpretation of texts. Analysis and commenting on the texts in question.
Evaluation method
Evaluation: Proof of attendance (1/2 of rating) and a written work to be discussed with the lecturer (1/2)
Subject matter
Analysis of the forms of everydayness, in its variety and in its essential oneness, according to the point of view expressed in \"The Sickness unto Death\" by Anti-Climacus (pseudonym of Kierkegaard).
Everydayness as a form of despair and its forms: from the unconscious to \"defiance\".
The Kierkergaardian analysis of the \"present period\" and the verification of the validity of this analysis at the present time.
Analysis of the main problems of the \"Literary Review\" and its influence in contemporary philosophy.