Human Geography of Lusophone Countries
a) To use geographic language to characterize the distribution of human phenomena in Portuguese-speaking countries;
b) To contextualize the geographic distribution of Portuguese-speaking countries in the Portuguese XV and XVI centuries empire and in the present world-system dynamics;
c) To understand the relations that unite the Portuguese-speaking world as stays of a common past and as a result of the world system dynamics;
d) To identify key problems and potential of Portuguese-speaking countries in the fields of demography, economic activity and territorial organization;
e) To identify trends in the evolution of settlement models and the main urban problems of Portuguese speaking countries;
f) To identify and interpret the specifics that differentiate Portuguese-speaking countries;
g) To identify potential and development challenges of the Portuguese speaking countries;
h) To demonstrate research capabilities and autonomous writing on acquired knowledge.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Banco de Portugal (2013). Evolução das Economias dos PALOP e de Timor-Leste 2012/2013.
Brito, R. S. de (1997). No Trilho dos Descobrimentos. Estudos geográficos. Lisboa: Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos Portugueses.
Cardoso, P. (dir.), (2004 a 2010). Atlas da Lusofonia. Lisboa: Prefácio (um volume por país).
Enders, A. (1997). História da África Lusófona. Sintra: Editorial Inquérito.
Gourou, P. (197.çons de géographie tropicale. Paris : Mouton.
INE (2013). Comunidade de Países de Língua Portuguesa: breve retrato estatístico. Lisboa.
Reto, L. (2012). Potencial Económico da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Texto Editores.
UN (vários anos). Relatório do Desenvolvimento Humano.
UNESCO (2010). História Geral da África, Brasília: UNESCO, Secad/MEC, UFSCar. (Disponível on line).
Teaching method
Expository and participatory problem solving classes. Contents are explored in a first stage. After that students interpret texts, comment on pictures, film clips, and discuss specific topics on Lusophone countries. Finally, they develop an independent research work and present it in class.
Evaluation method
Written test (50%);
Written work with 15 to 20 pages supported by independent research (35%);
Oral presentation of the work (10%).
Participation and class attendance (5%)
(According to the FCSH Assessment Standards of the proposal evaluation elements to introduce students in the first class may suffer readjustments, particularly in the percentage weight of each element).
Subject matter
1) Introduction to Human Geography: space concepts, time and place
2) Context of the Lusophone countries worldwide: the Portuguese empire to the present world-system dynamics
3) The population of Portuguese-speaking Countries: spatial distribution and social and cultural differentiation
4) The human activities and their impacts: from subsistence agriculture to new ways of
production and consumption
5) The spatial organization models: from the pre-colonial matrix to the current world
6) From rural to urban: the problems and challenges of settlement dynamics and intensive urban growth; the right to the city and the right to housing
7) Cooperation and development: challenges and opportunities for the Portuguese-speaking countries.
Programs where the course is taught: