History of Music: 1950 to the present - 1st semester
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paula Gomes Ribeiro
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Bennet, A. (2001). Cultures of popular music. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Bosseur, J. Y. (1990). Revoluções Musicais. Lisboa: Caminho da Música.
Carvalho, M. V. (2007). A tragédia da escuta Luigi Nono e a música do século XX´. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
Castelo-Branco, S. (ed.) (2010), Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no Século XX, 4 vols. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores
Cook, N. & Pople, A. (2004). The Cambridge history of 20th-century music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Griffits, P. (2010). Modern music and after. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Nattiez, J.-J. (ed.) (2003). Musiques du XXe siècle (Musiques. Une encyclopédie pour le XXIe siècle I). Arles/Paris: Actes Sud/Cité de la musique.
Taruskin, R. (2010). Oxford History of Western Music, Vol. 5: Music in the Late Twentieth Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Teaching method
Lessons are both theoretical (60%) and practical (40%). The teaching-learning processes use multimedia, and are based in the active learning model. They include, among other methods, exposition and demonstration, discussion, collaborative learning, literature review, problem solving, case learning, musical and audiovisual examples, group and individual presentations, essay writing.
Evaluation method
Evaluation: a 6.000 words essay, and its exposition and discussion in class (60%); two reviews and their discussion in class (20% each). Critical thinking and class participation will be valued.
Subject matter