German Literature of the 20 th century - 2nd semester
Providing students with theoretical and practical knowledge about modern German literary writers works written published during the first 33 years of the 20th. century. Analysing their German literary work and establishing a basis of a literary commentary adjustable to them. Describing specific characteristics of a modern literary work of art. Encouraging reading and writing skills along the working sessions in class thus enhancing German and Portuguese literary studentsproficiencies.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Fernando Ribeiro
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
German language competence level A2.2.
AAVV.(2013).Metzler Lexikon Literatur-und Kulturtheorie:Ansätze-Personen- Grundbegriffe. Stuttgart:Metzler.
AAVV.(1994).Die Wiener Modern:Literatur,Kunst und Musik zwischen 1890 und 1910.Stuttg: Reclam.
AAVV.(1976).Theorie des Expressionismus.Stuttg.:Reclam.
Beutin, W. et al.. (2013).Deutsche Literaturgeschichte:Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart.Stuttg.:Metzler.
Dietrich, S. et al. (1999).Die literarische Moderne. Dokumente zum Selbstverständnis der Literatur um die Jahrhundertwende.FreiburgimBreisgau:Rombach.
Hepp,C..(1992).Avantgarde.Moderne Kunst, Kulturkritik und Reformbewegungungen nach der Jahrhundertwende.München:DTV.
Kiesel,H..(2004).Geschichte der literarischen Moderne.Sprache.Ästhetik.Dichtung im 20. Jahrhundert. München: Beck.
Klausnitzer,R..(2004).Literaturwissenschaft:Begriffe-Verfahren-Arbeitstechniken.Berlin: DeGruyter.
Teaching method
The teaching method is mainly through exposition lectures aiming to critical reading, encouraging the commentary and historical-cultural contextualized synthesis; role-play reading session.
Students will present and discuss key texts and documents of the workshop.
Evaluation method
Assessment: three open-book tests (85%); three individual small assignments and qualified participation in class ( 15%).
Subject matter
1- Analysing modern German literary authors and works as follows: F.Kafka:Die Verwandlung,Ein Bericht für eine Akademie; H.Hesse: Der Steppenwolf; Der Zauberer;S.Zweig Brief einer Unbekannten, Vierundzwanzig Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau; A. Schnitzler: Lieutnant Gustl,Fräulein Else.2-Describing, understanding and evaluating narrative enttities like narrator and reader (time, space and character too) in order to stress the role played by them characterizing modern literary language strategy, subjectivity expression, modern interactivity between life and art.
Programs where the course is taught: