Spanish Literature (18th and 19th Century) - 1st semester
a) To improve knowledge of 18th and 19th centuries Spain´s spanish-written Literature: the ilustrados contribution since the end of the 18th century; romantic highlights; realistic expansions or ruptures, literary thematization of el problema de España at the turn of the century; poetics of modernity in Spanish Literature.
b) To master knowledge of its historical, social and cultural contexts, either Spanish or European;
c) To read and study a selection of texts and authors which rise from those trends or movements;
d) To develop skills of researching, selecting and interpreting significant information, textual and non-textual, through transdisciplinary perspectives, regarding the proposed subjects.
e) To develop critical reading skills in order to elaborate reflections, based on argumentation through correctly gathered and articulated information.
f) To develop speech and writing: about acquired information, critical readings and personal perspectives and interpretations.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Pedro Santa María
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Not applicable
CADALSO, José, Cartas marruecas / Noches lúgubres [ ou Ediciones Cátedra, Madrid, 2006: ed. Rusell P. Sebold]
DUQUE DE RIVAS, Don Álvaro o la fuerza del sino, [ ou Cátedra ed. Alberto Sánchez, Madrid, Cátedra, 2006]
ESPRONCEDA, El estudiante de Salamanca [ ou Ediciones Cátedra, Madrid, 1994: ed. Benito Varela Jacome]
LARRA, Mariano José de, Artículos []
BÉCQUER, Gustavo Adolfo, Rimas y Leyendas [ ou Ediciones Cátedra/Letras Hispánicas]
PARDO BAZÁN, Emilia, La cuestión palpitante []
RICO, F. (coord.) (1982). Historia y Crítica de la Literatura Española, Vol. 5, Romanticismo y Realismo. Barcelona: Crítica.
RICO, F. (coord.) (1979). Historia y Crítica de la Literatura Española, Vol. 6, Modernismo y 98. Barcelona: Crítica.
Teaching method
Presentation of the various topics by the lecturer; reading and discussion of a selection of texts covering the topics outlined in the syllabus.
In class teaching
Evaluation method
Adequate and active participation in class and 3 comparative papers (15%), three written tests in class (15%, 20%, 50%).
Subject matter
1.Introduction to 18th and 19th Spanish Literature.
2.From Ilustración to Romanticism.
3.Romantic genres and modes: poetry, theatre, narrative, journalism.
4.Realist and naturalist productions.
5.Fin-de-Siècle crisis: literary thematizations on the problema de España\"; Modernismo hispánico;\"Generación del 98\".
Programs where the course is taught: