German literature of the 19th century - 1st semester


To identify century German literature main characteristics by understanding, describing and analysing either literary or theoretical works or excerpts of them, so that students may acquire and produce knowledge to be discussed in class during oral presentations of essays done in class and at home.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Fernando Ribeiro


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



German language competence level A2.2.


AAVV. (2013). Metzler Lexikon Literatur- und Kulturtheorie: Ansätze – Personen.Stuttgart./AAVV.(1995). Romantik. Stuttg.:Reclam.
AAVV.(1995).Kleine Deutsche Geschichte, Stutt.:Reclam.
AAVV.(1982).Deutsche Literatur.Vom Naturalismus zum Expressionismus 1880-1918.R/H:RORORO./AAVV.(1979). Vormärz.Stuttg.:Reclam
AAVV.(1977). Naturalismus.Stuttg.:Reclam.
- .(1977). Bürgerlicher Realismus. Stuttg.:Reclam./ - .(1977).Naturalismus.Stuttg.:Reclam./AAVV.(1989).Literatura Alemã. Textos e contextos (1700-1900).Lisboa:Presença./
Beutin, W. et al.(2013).Deutsche Literatur Geschichte: Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart.Stuttg.:Metzler./Bark, J.(1984).Biedermeier - Vormärz : bürgerlicher Realismus.Stuttg.:Klett./Coyle, M. et al.(2002). Literary Terms and Criticism.Hampshire:Basingstoke./Hamann, R., et al.(1977)Epochen deutscher Kultur. Von 1870 bis zur Gegenwart.F/M:Fischer. /Scheidl,L., et al.(1996).Dois Séculos de história alemã- Textos e documentos dos séculos XIX e XX. Coimbra:Minerv

Teaching method

Teaching methodologies include exposition lectures aiming to critical reading, encouraging the commentary and historical-cultural contextualized synthesis; role-play reading session.

Evaluation method

Assessment: three open-book tests (85%); three individual small assignments and qualified participation in class ( 15%).

Subject matter

Studying 19th century German literature by means of literary commentary of poetry and drama of Junges Deutschland and Vormärz authors, the Novelle of Bürgerlicher Realismus writers, the drama and the poetry representative of the Naturalismus German followers and the poetry of the Symbolismus and Jugendstil most representative poets.