a) To recognize the main literary problematics through the analysis of some essential topics;
b) To obtain systematic general and historically organized information about the programme subjects;
c) To know critical approaches and relevant conceptual schemes relevant in the area of literary studies;
d) To acquire literary critical competence on the literary text through the practice of commentary and analysis.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Carlos Clamote Carreto, Margarida Esperança Pina, Rogério Puga
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
ARISTÓTELES. (1990). Poética. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
BENNETT, Andrew. (2016). An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory. Londres: Rouledge.
CEIA, C. (dir.). E-Dicionário de Termos Literários (EDTL),
COMPAGNON, A. (2010). Para que serve a literatura ? Lisboa : Deriva Editores, 2010].
KLARER, Mario. (2013). An Introduction to Literary Studies. 3ª ed., Londres: Rouledge.
JUDICE, N. (2010). ABC da Crítica. Lisboa: D. Quixote.
MATOS, Maria V. Leal de (2001). Introdução aos Estudos Literários. Lisboa: Verbo.
RODRIGUES LOPES, S. (2006). A Anomalia Poética. Lisboa: Vendaval.
REIS, C. (1994). O Conhecimento da Literatura. Introdução aos Estudos Literários. Coimbra: Livraria Almedina.
SCHAEFFER, J.-M. (1999). Pourquoi la fiction? Paris: Seuil.
_______________ (2011). Petite écologie des études littéraires. Pourquoi et comment étudier la littérature. Vincennes: Éditions Thierry Marchaisse.
Teaching method
We seek a balance between sessions taught by the lecturer, the presentation of theoretical contents and practical classes which will be dynamised mainly by the students. Regular use of appropriate web resources will be encouraged, namely the Moddle platform, which will be used as the main tool to share individual and collective work. Presentation of the various topics by the lecturer; reading and discussion of a selection of texts covering the topics outlined in the syllabus; - tutorial supervision. Students are assessed by performing two individual written tests in the classroom.
Theorical Lectures: 70%, practical classes: 30%.
Evaluation method
Two written tests (80%); attendance and participation in practical classes (20%).
Subject matter
1. What can literature be/do? The concept of lIterature and the literary semiotic system
1.1. Literature and literariness
1.2. Literature and fictionality: from knowing literature to literature as knowledge
1.3. Literary memory: literature, tradition and poetic innovation
1.4. Canon and transgression: literature as an institution
1.5. Borders and margins of literature
2. Literary evolution and literary periods
2.1. Ambitions and limits of periodology
2.2. Literature and representation: Realism, the imaginary and language
2.3. The dynamics of literary periods
3. Literary genres
3.1. Literary genres and world visions
3.2. The lyric mode and the subject´s problematic
3.3. Drama and the spectacle of theatre
3.4. The narrative phenomenon
4. Literature as dialogue
4.1. The author and the poetical creation: originality and intertextuality
4.2. The dialogue with history
4.3. The dialogue with science
4.4. The interarts dialogue
Programs where the course is taught:
- Spanish and German Studies
- French and German Studies
- French and Spanish Studies
- English and German Studies
- English and Spanish Studies
- English and French Studies
- English and North-American Studies
- Portuguese and German Studies
- Portuguese and Spanish Studies
- Portuguese and French Studies
- Portuguese and English Studies