Hispanic Thought - 2nd semester


1) Identification of the nature and main features of the contemporary Hispanic thought;
2) Analysis of the evolution of the intellectual in the Ibero-American cultural universe from the perspective of the History of Ideas;
3) General Knowledge of the most significant authors of the Hispanic thought with particular emphasis on Miguel Unamuno and Jose Ortega Y Gasset.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Júlio Silva


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Not applicable


1. PROYETO PENSAMENTO HISPANICO: http://www.ensayistas.org/
2. BEORLEGUI, Carlos, Historia del pensamiento filosófico latinoamericano, Bilbao, Universidad de Deusto, 2004.
3.PAIM, Paim, História das Ideias Filosóficas no Brasil, 5ª edição, Londrina, Editora, UEL 1997
4.GUY, Alain Guy, Historia de la filosofia española, Barcelona, Anthropos,1985.

Teaching method

Analyzes and reviews of texts.
Discussion of topics and papers presented by students.

Evaluation method

Evaluation: Active participation in class and presentation of oral and written work 60%, and 40% test.

Subject matter

1) Introduction to Contemporary Hispanic Thought
2) Overview of the cultural aspects of contemporary Spanish thought. The difficult political transition from absolutism to liberalism in the first half of the nineteenth century. The interpretation of historical events by the liberal Catholic intellectuals and ambiguities and limits of Spanish culture in the first half of the nineteenth century.
3) The Restoration ( 1874-1875 ) and the \" fin - du - siècle \" ( 1898-1905 ) crisis. The defeat in the Spanish-American War and the loss of the last colonies (1898 ) . Impact of \"national catastrophe \" in the cultural field : the design of intellectuals as selecta minority and architects of national identity .
4) Generation 98 and the thought of Miguel Unamuno ( 1864-1936 )
5) Jose Ortega Gasset ( 1883-1955 ) : Vital Reason; Historical reason ; Orteguiana The position on the ontological realism ; Ortega y Gasset before the phenomenological and existentialist currents.