History of Spain
a) To acquire an in-depth knowledge of the Spanish history between the late 15th century and the mid-20th century.
b) To attain general knowledge of the most crucial moments of the Spanish political, economic, social and cultural history between the late 15th century and the mid-20th century.
c) To develop a critical knowledge of the several historiographical interpretations in the study of early-modern and modern Spain.
d) To master the historiography about early-modern and modern Spain, and develop the capacity to work with archival sources pertinent to that period.
e) To acquire the knowledge and the skills indispensable for post-graduate studies about early-modern and modern Spain.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Carr, Raymond, España, 1808-1975, 8.ª ed., Ariel Historia, Barcelona, 1998.
Elliott, John H., Spain and its World, 1500-1700, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1989.
Fernández Albaladejo, Pablo, Fragmentos de Monarquía. Trabajos de Historia Politica, Madrid, Alianza, 1992.
Tusell, Javier, Historia de España en el Siglo XX, Vol. 3, La dictadura de Franco, Taurus, Madrid, 2007.
Villares, Ràmon e Luzón, Javier Moreno (ed.), Historia de España, Restauración y Dictadura, Vol. 7, Critica Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2009.
Teaching method
The class schedule will consist of two two-hour sessions each week. The first part of each session is allotted to lectures by the professor, while the second part is devoted to an oral presentation by students, followed by a discussion. Lectures supplement and complement reading assignments, and introduce problems to be brought up in the discussion period. Discussions cover the reading assignment for each topic, and their aim is to make students investigate problems, analyze interpretations of subjects in the readings and/or lectures. Outlines of lectures, maps and other supplementary material will be distributed to students on the web.
Evaluation method
All students must take a midterm and a final examination. Each exam accounts for 50% of the final grade.
Subject matter
The mid-15th century Iberian Peninsula.
The reign of the Catholic Kings and their unifying project.
The overseas expansion of Aragon and Castile.
The Castilian-Aragonese crown under the Habsburgs Charles I.
From «Indias de Castilla» to Spanish America.
The path to hegemony: Philip II, defensor fidei.
The rise and fall of the Spanish Monarchy (1581-1648). Between Lerma and Olivares.
The Spanish Monarchy during the second half of the 17th century and the outbreak of the War of the Spanish Succession.
The instauration of the Bourbon dynasty in Spain. The Nueva Planta.
From Philip V to Ferdinand VI the Spanish imperial policy during the 18th century.
The Enlightenment reforms during the reign of Charles III.
The impact of the Bourbon reforms in America.
The crisis of the Spanish Monarchy (1808-1834).
The Independence of Spanish America.
The Liberal revolution in Spain (1834-1874).
The Restoration period and the end of the century crisis (1874-1898).
From Alfonse XIII to the Republic.
The path to the Spanish civil war.
Programs where the course is taught: