History of Medieval Hispania - 2nd semester


a) Provide theoretical knowledge about the main events and processes of the period and historical spaces, and to analyze such processes in a critical frame.
b) Develop specific knowledge on the historiography of the period and the main tendencies of present day research.
c)Understand and explain the main events and processes, as well as the problematic of the period and area under study.
d)Develop critical capacities for the analysis of primary sources
e)Develop written and oral exposition techniques, integrating vocabulary and categories common to the particular time under study
f) Develop a reflexive attitude towards the acquired knowledge.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Francisco José Díaz Macillia


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language




História de Portugal (dir. José Mattoso) vol. I -II, (coord. José Mattoso), Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1992- 1993
Historia de España, Alfaguara, (dir. Miguel Artola), vol. 2 - La época Medieval, por José Angel GARCÍA DE CORTAZAR, Madrid, Alianza, 1988 (reedição actualizada)
ÁLVAREZ PALENZUELA, V.A. e SUÁREZ FERNÁNDEZ, L., Historia de España, vol. 5-6 Madrid, Ed. Gredos, 1988-89
RUCQUOI, Adeline, História Medieval da Península Ibérica, Lisboa, Estampa, 1995.
GUICHARD, Pierre, Al Andalus : estructura antropológica de una sociedad islámica em occidente, Barcelona, Seix Barral, 1976.

Teaching method

Theoretical lectures and practical classes, in which the combination of lectures and debate on primary sources and recent articles may develop in the students not only the necessary basic knowledge, but also a specific competence in debating and updating their critical perspectives on the construction of the History of Portugal and its sources.

Evaluation method

The student’s assessment will be done in two moments: 1) Oral presentation (with power point) on a specific question, based on source materials (30% of the final mark); 2) written test with consultation (60% of final mark). 10% of the final mark is dependent on participation in the classroom.

Subject matter

I- The German Predominance (5th-7th cc.): changes and reconfigurations in Roman Hispania
II- The Muslim Predominance (8th-11th cc.): emirs, caliphs, kings and emperors. Mixed societies, economies and cultures
III- War, Conquest and Religion (12th c.): espace occupation and legitimacy
IV- Christian Pentachy fights against Muslim Empires (12th-13th cc.). Power and religion
V- The \"Crises\" of 14th Century: political, social, economical and cultural
VI- The 15th Century and the Making of Maritim Empires: Castile, Portugal and Aragon. Granada and Navarre in decline