Introduction to Comparative History of Literature in the Iberian Peninsula - 2nd semester
a) To acquire the methodological analysis and research tools necessary for developing knowledge from a comparative perspective of different literary practices, which, throughout history and until the present day, have developed in the Iberian Peninsula.
b) To acquire the theoretical knowledge Literary History and Comparative Literature concepts to guide the comparative task.
c) To acquire skills on the comparative knowledge of those literary practices and their inter-relationships, convergences and differences.
d) To improve knowledge of historical, social, artistic, literary, national, Iberian, and European contexts.
e) To develop critical reading skills for the texts that act out those relationships.
f) To develop multidisciplinary collection, selection and interpretation of relevant information skills, in relation to the subject of proposed study.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Pedro Santa María
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Not applicable.
1. GUILLÉN, Claudio, El primer siglo de oro. Estudios sobre géneros y modelos. Barcelona: Ed. Crítica, 1988.
[Os ensaios: La disposición temporal del Lazarillo de Tormes e Los silencios de Lázaro de Tormes»]
2. RODRIGUES, Maria Idalina Resina, Convívio de línguas no teatro ibérico (séculos XVI e XVII). De Gil Vicente a Um Auto de Gil Vicente. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional -Casa da Moeda, 2006.
3.. SENA, Jorge de. Os Sonetos de Camões e o Soneto Quinhentista Peninsular. Lisboa: Ed. 70, 1980.
4.TAVANI, Giuseppe, A poesia lírica na literatura hispânica do século XIII e Problemas da poesia lírica galego-portuguesa. Ensaios Portugueses: Filologia e Linguística. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1988.
Teaching method
Classes will be both theoretical and practical in nature, conecting information from literary history and theory with Comparative Literature methods. Collective and individual analyses and reflections are guided by the teacher with tutorial supervision of individually prepared oral and written presentations.
In class teaching
Evaluation method
Adequate and active participation in class (10%), 3 comparative papers (20%) and two written tests in class (20%, 50%).
Subject matter
1.Introduction to Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula: theories, concepts and methods.
2. From Galician-Portuguese poetry to the peninsular renaissance sonnet.
3.From Gil Vicente to the Theatre of the Siglo de Oro
4. From Celestina to the Picaresque.
5. From the books of chivalry to Quixote.
6. Poetics of Modernity in the Iberian Peninsula.
Programs where the course is taught: