Spanish Seminar - 2nd semester


a) Produce a paper (supervised) in the context of a scientific area of Spanish Studies.
b) Develop capacity as a researcher in the field of literary and cultural studies.
c) Develop the capacity to collect, select and interpret relevant information, textual and non-text based, multidisciplinary, in relation to the proposed project.
d) Develop the capacity for building judgments, supported by arguments based on collected and properly articulated information.
e) Develop the capacity for oral and written communication: information acquired, critical readings and personal approaches and interpretations.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Beatriz Moriano


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Spanish language skills relevant to Level B1.2.


• On-Line, na Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
•Em livro, no original castelhano, escolher entre diferentes edições de: J.-B. Avalle-Arce; J.Allen; Andrés Murillo; Francisco Rico; Martín de Riquer, Florencio Sevilla.
ABREU, Maria Fernanda de, Cervantes no Romantismo Português. Cavaleiros Andantes, Manuscritos Encontrados e Gargalhadas Moralíssimas. Prólogo de Claudio Guillén. Lisboa: Editorial Estampa, 1994.
ABREU, Maria Fernanda de, «Nos 400 anos do Quixote». Miguel de Cervantes, Dom Quixote de la Mancha, Tradução e notas de Miguel Serras Pereira, textos introdutórios de Maria Fernanda de Abreu, Silvia Irizo e Gonzalo Pontón, Sylvia Roubaud, ilustrações de Salvador Dali. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote, 2005, pp. XIII-XL.
REDONDO, Augustin, Otra Manera de Leer El Quijote. Historia, tradiciones
culturales y literatura. Madrid: Editorial Castalia, 1998.
RILEY, E. C., Don Quixote. London: Allen and Unwin, 1986

Teaching method

Seminars will be both theoretical and practical, conecting information from literary history, theory and criticism on the proposed Work for study (which first reading will be done before the beginning of the seminar). Individual oral presentations and collective discussion of critical readings and reflections, guided by the teacher. Tutorial supervision of the research work related to the final paper choosen by the student.

Evaluation method

Presentation of a research paper. The evaluation will be of an individual and continuing nature. The student will be required to create and present notes both orally and in writing, as well as commented reading/review of essays and literary works under study, their group discussion and a final written paper, presented and discussed orally. Usage of the Spanish language will be preferred.

Subject matter

1. Theories and scientific research methods in the field of literary and cultural studies.
2. Investigation of issues related to the topic.
3. Guidelines - theoretical and methodological - for writing a paper on the theme proposed.
Proposed topic for study and research:
A book, a cultural geography, a chronotope: El ingenious hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha, 1605-1615.
Divided into two modules:
1. From a writer “con todos sus años a cuestas [with all his years on his shoulders]”, a prison of Seville, the lands of Mancha from where the protagonists come and the \\"imprenta\\" in Madrid from where it came: the book and history. (Up to Easter holidays)
2. 1. Don Quixote, a model for modern literature in Spanish, 2.2. World reception: images of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza in arts, music, dance, film and advertising. (From the resumption of classes until the end)