Spanish Language C1.1 - 1st semester


1. To reach the contents of the level C1.1 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
2. To develop learning skills in order to promote autonomy. This includes abilities to research, reflect on and describe several aspects of Spanish language.
3. To express himself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
4. To develop particular points of view and to formulate ideas and opinions with precision.
5. To relate his contribution skilfully to those of other speakers.
6. To use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
7. To present clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects integrating sub-themes, developing particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion.
8. To promote intercultural awareness and aknowledging language-culture(s) relations.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Coral Mateo


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Minimum attendance: 70% of classes, except worker-students.


1. AA.VV. (2008). Dominio. Madrid: Edelsa.
2.AA.VV. (ed. impressa 2005). Diccionario panhispánico de dudas (
3.Matte Bon, Francisco (2ª ed., 1995). Gramática comunicativa del español, 1 y 2. Madrid: Edelsa
4.AA.VV. (2012). El Cronómetro. Manual de preparación del DELE C1. Madrid: Edinumen
5. Montero, R. (2008). Instrucciones para salvar el mundo. Madrid: Alfaguara.

Teaching method

Inductive and deductive, formal and communicative activities, based on one or more type of language feature (expression, comprehension, interaction and mediation), focussing on the students´ needs, and emphasising the integration of skills, intercultural reflection, autonomous learning and the use of ICT.
In class teaching.

Evaluation method

Continuous Evaluation. Two tests done in class; oral presentations and written work. Evaluation will be based on communicative competence, accuracy and appropriacy, the use of learning strategies, knowledge about sociocultural aspects of the Hispanic world and an ability to think seriously about cultural matters.

Parts of the evaluation:
-Level and quality of class participation + other practices (20%)
-Reading test: précis and commentary based on a text (literary, journalistic as well as other styles) (20%)
-Term test: test of linguistic and cultural content (60%).

Subject matter

1. Communication skills and critical competence: the different types of texts and its characteristics according to its function. Informative texts (news, chronicles), opinion (opinion articles, interviews, reviews), communication (notes, e-mails, memo, invoices) among others.
2. Grammar competence: substantive, consecutive, temporal and continuous sentences. Relative pronouns.
3. Lexical competence: vocabulary expansion under all forms and in different texts, from erudite expressions to familiar and colloquial expressions.
4. Pragmatic/functional competence: to provide an opinion, to state a point of view, to write a report or to narrate an experience.
5. Improvement of general knowledge and knowledge on behaviours and sociocultural conventions of the Hispanic world.
6. Development of current themes such as: fashion, climate, cloning, gender and generation gaps, among others.
7. Development of knowledge and intercultural skills.