Spanish and Latin-American Contemporary Cultures - 1st semester


a) Improving knowledge of Spanish and Latin American cultures in an international context.
b) Improving knowledge of their historical, social, literary and artistic contexts.
c) Developing critical reading skills of essays and literary texts of that period.
d) Developing skills on finding, selecting and interpreting significant information, textual and non-textual, through transdisciplinary perspectives, regarding the proposed subjects.
e) Developing skills to elaborate reflections, based on argumentation through correctly gathered and articulated information.
f) Developing speech and writing: about adquired information, critical readings and personal perspectives and interpretations.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Santa María


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Not applicable


Cortázar, F. & González Vesga, J. M. (2009). Breve Historia de España. Madrid: Alianza.
Volpi, J. (2009). El insomnio de Bolívar. Madrid: Debate.
Halperin Donghi, T. (1998). Historia contemporánea de América Latina, Madrid: Alianza.
Mainer, J.-C. (1981). La Edad de Plata (1902-1939). Madrid: Cátedra.
Pires, M. L. B. (2006). Teorias da Cultura. Porto: Universidade Católica.

Teaching method

Teaching method
Presentation of the various topics by the lecturer; reading and discussion of a selection of significative texts and plastic and musical artworks covering the topics outlined in the syllabus.

In class teaching

Evaluation method

Adequate and active participation in class and 3 comparative papers (15%) and three written tests in class (15%, 20%, 50%).

Subject matter

The student will achieve a wide and integrated knowledge of Spanish and Latin American cultural realities, through transdisciplinar dialog between History, Art and Literature. The program begins around 1898, a landmark in the independence process of the last Spanish colonies. It covers the first decades of the XXth century (social movements, political convulsions, art and literary modernism, ideological matters) in both geographical areas and focuses on the varied interaction between Spain and its former territories. The Spanish Civil War and the post-WWII dictatorships, followed by later democratic processes, allow reflections on this relevant and recent period of Universal History, furthering the problematic concept of \"contemporary culture\".