German Media - 2nd semester
a) To acquire a general knowledge of the German media press, radio, television, cinema - and its evolution, organization and impact on society.
b) To develop sociolinguistic and sociocultural competences by analyzing written, audio and audio-visual articles.
c) To develop intercultural competence awareness through sociocultural aspects of the self and foreign cultures conveyed by the different media.
d) To stimulate critical thinking by analyzing the most representative publications and to encourage research autonomy.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Fernando Ribeiro
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Level A2 (CEFR) of German
FAULSTICH, Werner (Hrsg.), 2000,Grundwissen Medien. München : Wilhelm Fink
Geschichte des deutschen Films. Disponível em:
Kerstin KÖHNTOPP & Siegfried ZIELINSKI, 1990, Der Deutsche Rundfunk and television: an introduction and bibliography of television-related articles, 19231941 , Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 10:2, 221-225. Disponível em:
LA ROCHE, Walther, 2004, Die Arbeitsfelder des Journalisten. Disponível em
Teaching method
The unit will be taught using a combination of theoretical and practical lectures wehreby students develop their knowledge and skills, deepen their linguistic competence in german through the individual, or in groups, presentation of papers/essays on the different media observing their linguistic, political and social contents
In class teaching.
Evaluation method
Individual, or in groups, presentation of papers/essays on the different media observing their linguistic, political and social contents (50%) and an evaluation based on a written test focused on the themes not handled individually (50%).
Subject matter
1) The media evolution and their organization in present Germany with incursions into the historical origins.
2) Handling the most representative press, audio and audio-visual articles.
3) Changes in mentalities and habits due to the advent of the audio-visual.
4) Reading, listening, viewing and analyzing materials related to sociocultural aspects of the target publics.
5) Practical reflex ion on the potentialities of Media to create cultural complexity and social availability.
Programs where the course is taught: