Portuguese Culture in the Renaissance - 1st semester
a) Acquisition of an adequate knowledge on the Portuguese Culture in the context of the Renaissance, and its relationship with other manifestations of knowledge.
b) Acquisition of competences for critical reading, comments and arguments skills.
c) To strengthen research capacities on organization, questioning and transmission of knowledge.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Cecília Gonçalves Barreira
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Knowledge of the History of Portugal and Europe in the XV-XVI centuries.
BERNARDIM RIBEIRO, Menina e Moça ou Saudades. Coimbra: Angelus Novus, 2008.
DUARTE PACHECO PEREIRA, Esmeraldo de Situ Orbis. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1991.
FERNÃO DE OLIVEIRA (1536), Gramática da Linguagem Portuguesa. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional, 1981.
FERNÃO MENDES PINTO, Peregrinação. Lisboa: Fundação Oriente/IN-CM, 2010.
FRANCISCO DE SÁ DE MIRANDA, Poesias. Lisboa: IN-CM,1989.
GARCIA DE ORTA, Colóquios dos Simples e Drogas da Índia. Lisboa: IN-CM, 1987.
GIL VICENTE, Copilaçam de todalas obras de [
]. Lisboa: IN-CM, 1984.
LUÍS DE CAMÕES, Lírica Completa. Lisboa: IN-CM, 1986; 1994; 2002.
LUÍS DE CAMÕES, Os Lusíadas. Lisboa: Instituto Camões, 2000.
Teaching method
Theoretical and practical analysis on texts by Portuguese authors of Renaissance, with presentation and discussion of individual works.
Evaluation method
The evaluation will consist of a critical review / comment on one of the theoretical texts of the critical bibliography (20%); an essay on a topic being proposed (60%); and an oral presentation of the monograph and interventions in class (20%).
Subject matter
1. Political and social situation of Portugal in late fifteenth century and the sixteenth century.
2. Humanismo and Renaissance. Dominant personalities, works and ideas in the European context.
3. Humanism and the Portuguese Renaissance. The voyages of discovery as determining factors for the construction of a national identity.
4. Leading scientists, writers, artists and other personalities of the Portuguese Renaissance.
5. The social life in Portugal in the Renaissance, based on testimonies of writers and chroniclers.
6. The work of Camões as a synthesis of the Portuguese Renaissance and as determining factors for the construction of a national identity.
7. Today views on the Renaissance in Portugal.
Programs where the course is taught: