a) To recognize and problematize the main questions arising in Comparative Literature through the definition of its object and methodology.
b) To know the evolution and renovation of comparatist schools beyond Europe and the United States of America, emphasizing the alternative, cultural and literary concepts they put forward .
c) To study, in a comparative perspective, the genre transformations, through the critical reading of short narrative prose.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Alda Jesus Correia
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Bassnett, S. (1995). Comparative Literature a Critical Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell.
Damrosch, D. et al.(2009). The Princeton Sourcebook in Comparative Literature - from the European Enlightenment to the Global Present. Princeton: Princeton UP.
Fowler, A. (1982). Kinds of Literature. An Introduction to the Theory of Genres and Modes. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
March-Russel, P. (2009). The Short Story -an introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP.
May, C. (1995). The Short Story - The Reality of Artifice. New York: Twayne.
Teaching method
Theoretical classes (50%); practical classes (50%). Practical classes will be based in reading and text commentary: presentation, critical discussion and comparative analysis by the students and professor of the selected literary and theoretical texts.
Evaluation method
One final test (50%); presentation and discussion of an individual essay (50%).
Subject matter
Comparative Literature: object, method and definition suggestion. Schools and thematic areas.
Comparative Literature after the 90s: new models, alternative concepts and post-colonial approaches. The evolution of the area. The crisis of Comparative Literature and the relation to Science.The study of genre transformation. The short story, its historic evolution and the problem of its classification as a literary genre. Short fiction theory and criticism. The short story cycle.
Comparative analysis of texts that illustrate the genre evolution:
Biblical narrative, fable, the tale, sketch and other simple forms.
The Thousand and One Night stories and Boccaccio´s Decameron
The romantic and gothic short story
Gogol and Tchekhov
E. A. Poe, Washington Irving and O. Henry
Maupassant. Regionalism.
The modernist short story: J. Joyce, K. Mansfield; the post modernist short story
Latin-American short story and magic realism. Minimalism.
Short story and image.