Portuguese Grammar - 1st and 2nd semester
a) To identify different grammar modules and different perspectives of grammatical analysis;
b) To describe the main characteristics of the sounds, words, sentences, utterances and texts in the Portuguese language;
c) To explain the functioning of Portuguese, through the analysis of observable data;
d) To Identify and describe distinctive characteristics of the Portuguese grammar.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Joana Alexandra Vaz Teixeira, Joana Batalha Marchão, Maria do Céu Caetano, Maria Sousa Lobo Gonçalves
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Not applicable
CUNHA, Celso & Luís Filipe Lindley CINTRA. Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo. Lisboa: Ed. J. Sá da Costa, [1984] 2014 ( 21ª edição).
MATEUS, Maria Helena Mira et al. Gramática da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Caminho, 2003.
RAPOSO, Eduardo et al. (orgs). Gramática do Português. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2013.
Teaching method
This curricular unit is characterized by being a theoretical-practical one. Whenever possible, the teaching will be student-centered.
Based on an initial schedule, we foresee a balanced combination of theoretical and practical classes. At the beginning of the semester this information will be made available to students.
Evaluation method
As learning assessment, students are required to take two in-class tests, aiming at the assessment of different programmatic modules. These two tests will be worth 80% of the overall grade. Different types of autonomous tasks will also be proposed. These tasks will support the work in class. The weighting of the tasks carried out will be 20% of the final grade.
Subject matter
1. Grammar and grammars: knowledge of grammar and grammatical knowledge;
2. The main characteristics of the Portuguese Grammar:
2.1 the study of the sounds: articulatory phonetics classification; the structure of syllables; phonological aspects of Portuguese;
2.2 the study of words: lexical creativity and word formation; inflection, derivation and compounding in Portuguese;
2.3 the study of sentences: word classes, constituents and syntactic functions; clause typology and syntactic Portuguese constructions;
2.4 the sudy of meaning: nominal reference; tense, aspect and modality in Portuguese;
2.5 verbal interaction markers, discourse markers and textual cohesion and coherence;
3. Topics of Portuguese grammar case studies.