Latin Classical Culture - 2nd semester


a) To recognize the importance of Roman legacy in European civilization (30%).
b) To acquire a panoramic knowledge of Roman Classical Culture (30%).
c) To identify the space of Ancient Rome in the Occidental imaginary and its influence in posterior politics, science, literature, arts and private life (40%).

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Inês Ornellas Andrade Castro


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Not aplicable


ANTUNES, Manuel. S.J., Teoria da Cultura, re-editado em 1999, com revisão e notas de Maria Ivone de Ornellas de Andrade. Lisboa, Colibri, 1999.
ARIÈS, p. e DUBY, G. (org.), História da Vida Privada. Do Império Roman ao ano mil. Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1989 (1ª ed).
GRIMAL, P., A vida em Roma na Antiguidade (Tradução portuguesa). Mem Martins, Publicações Europa-América, 1995.
GRIMAL, P., História de Roma (Tradução portuguesa). Lisboa, Texto & Grafia, 2013.
ROCHA PEREIRA, M. H., Estudos de História da Cultura Clássica. Cultura Romana. Lisboa, F. C. Gulbenkian, 2002 (3.ª ed.).

Sítios/Web Sites:
Classica digitalia
Perseus Digital Library

N.B.Será indicada bibliografia específica para cada item do programa./
Specific bibliography for each program item will be mentioned.

Teaching method

Classes will be mainly expositive (60%) although propitiating students an active intervention in order to allow discussion and analyse of the thematic program, departing from texts as well as images supplied by the professor. It will also be required a presentation of brief individual works and classes registration, under the form of a report (40%).

Evaluation method

A regimen of continuous evaluation without final exams will be adopted. Dynamic class participation, brief homeworks (30%), the results of the two frequencies (65%) and the assiduity (5%) will be taken into account.

Subject matter

I Roman civilization: organization and mediation
1 Geographic and historical context:
1.1 Rome origins and Roman Monarchy
1.1.1 Etruscan and Hellenic legacies
1.1.2 Roman Republic: institutions, internal expansion and Mediterranean domain
1.2 Augustus and the imperial model
1.3 From High Empire to Low Empire
1.4 The barbaric invasions and the \"end\" of Occidental Roman Empire
II Roman Civilization central aspects
1 Political ideas: imperium, potestas, maiestas, prouincia
2 Religion: to believe and to do
2.1 Mythical theology and different numina
2.2 Topography of After World in Italic tradition
3 Ideals and moral conceptions
4 Education.
5 Arts: visual arts and architecture
6 Theatre and musical expression
7 Literature and philosophy
8 Law and the power of oratory
9 Economy and society
III Private life
1 Masculine and feminine sexuality: testimonials of medicine, literature and iconography
2 Marriage and family
3 Slaves and freedm
IV Ex Roma Lux: Rome and Europe