Estudos Europeus (not translated)


This course will explore the political history of post-war Europe, emphasizing the process of division and unification between the West and Central and Eastern Europe, (excluding Russia). Classes will be divided in three periods: the emer-ging division of Europe (1945 to 1955), the consolidated division (1956 to 1989) and the unification of Europe (1989 to 2011). The course takes on the successi-ve crisis and its impact on the politics of West and Central and Eastern Europe. Classes thus follow a chronological and thematic logic.

The course aims to give the student:

• Knowledge of the internal and external politics of the main West and East-ern European countries, since the fall of the Iron Curtain until the present. It is also expected that the students understand the role of the European institutions and their ordaining power, first in Western Europe, and, since the nineties, also in Central and Eastern Europe.

• The basic understanding theoretical issues involved.

• An understanding of the specialized literature.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Bibliografia Básica (uma bibliografia detalhada será posta à disposição no moodle)

- Judt, Tony, Pós-Guerra: História da Europa desde 1945, Lisboa: Edições 70, 2010.

- Dinan, Desmond, Europe Recast: a History of the European Union, Basing-stoke: Palgrave, 2004.

- Stokes, Gale, The Walls Came Tumbling Down: The Collapse of Com-munism in Eastern Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Teaching method

Classes are a mix of a lecture (in the first hour of the class) and a seminar (in the second half of the class). The professor will usually start by lecturing on the topic. In the last 30 minutes of the class students will be responsible to carry a debate on the topic of the class. Therefore it is crucial, for discussions to be fruitful and interesting, that students arrive to class having read the suggested articles in the reader. At the end of the class, the professor will summarize the main points raised.

Evaluation method

1. Participation (10%)
Part of this could be small written assignments proposed by the teacher.

2. Seminar Presentation (20%)
One seminar presentation is required in which the student should discuss a specific aspect of the seminar topic – see the topics in the moodle. The students should also prepare either a written (hand-out) or visual support for their presen-tation.

4. Essay (15%)
Once in the term, the students are expected to choose a topic, different from the class presentation, and elaborate an essay of about 2000 words. Essays should be both given to the professor in class in printed format and sent by email.

5. Final Exam (55%)
The final term exam will consist of a multiple choice questions and two open questions (half a page each).

Subject matter

Class 1: Introduction.

Division of Europe I: 1945-55

Class 2: Stunde Nulle and Post-War Europe.

Class 3: The establishment of Communism in Central and Eastern Europe and the Prague Coup.

Class 4: The Berlin Crisis and the first European institutions (NATO, CSEC, EDC)

Division of Europe II: 1956-1989.

Class 6: The Treaty of Rome and the beggining of European Integration.

Class 7: Stalinism in Central Europe and the 1956 crisis: Poland and Hungary.

Class 8: From the Suez Crisis to the Treaty of Elisee.

Class 9: The De Gaulle Crisis.

Class 10: Real communism, the Prague Spring and the Polish March.

Class 11: European Integration in the 1970s: The German Ostpolitik and the be-ggining of Détente in Europe.

Class 12. The beginning of the end: The Polish self-limiting revolution of 1980.

The unification of Europe: 1989-2014.

Class 13: The 1989 revolutions and German reunification.

Class 14: Gorbatchev and the end of the Cold War.

Class 15: The Treaty of Maastricht and the establishment of the Euro.

Class 16: The political systems of Central and Eastern European countries: Par-ties, nationalism and European Integration.

Class 17: The Constitutional Treaty and the political crisis in Europe.

Class 18: The Euro crisis and its political aftermath.


Programs where the course is taught: