Território e Sociedades (not translated) - 2nd semester
1) To discuss the role of physical geography in world development.
2) To analyse the impacts of the inequal distribution of resources;
3) To recognize the relevance and the historical meaning of cultural regions;
4) To evaluate the relationship between Territory and Power;
5) To analyse New Cultural Geographies;
6) To discuss some main economic, cultural, political and social challenges for the XXI Century.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José Manuel Rodrigues Lúcio
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
1. COLLIER, Paul, The Bottom Billion, New York, Oxford University Press, 2007
2. HAGGETT, Peter, Geography, London, Prentice-Hall, 2001
3. CLAVAL, Paul, Geografia Cultural, Florianópolis, Editora da UFSC, 1999
4. CLAVAL, Paul, A Geografia do Homem, Coimbra, Livraria Almedina, 1987
Teaching method
The teaching methods are based on theoretical lectures and practical classes much focused on concepts and case-study analysis. It is expected that the students actively participate, by expressing their views over the different subjects that are at stake.
Evaluation method
1. Written test - 70%;
2. Essay - case-study analysis by groups of five students - 30%.
Subject matter
1. Nature and Society
1.1. Natural restraints to the development of human activities
1.2. The inequal distribution of population at a global scale
1.3. The génesis of cultural regions
2. Space and Civilization
2.1. The concept of civilization
2.2. From nomadism to sedentarization: effects on space
2.3. The role of agriculture
2.4. Places and territories
2.5. Territorial Organizations
2.6. Space organization: transports and communications
2.7. Space and Human Action
2.8. The world geography of resources
3. Territory and Power
3.1. The territorial meaning of belonging
3.2. Space, Territory and Frontier
3.3. Maps, States, Empires
3.4. Recompositions of Political Maps during the XX Century
3.5. Geographies of Globalization
3.6. New Cultural Geographies
4. Problems and Challenges for the XXI Century
4.1. Competition for natural resources
4.2. Desertification and natural hazards
4.3. Urban growth and urban social problems
4.4. Inequality
4.5. Cultural tensions
4.6. Financial Crisis
Programs where the course is taught: